turkey eggs

Spring and maybe (rarely) at summer.

At least mine.They will not lay at winter because the weather is cold.
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It also depends on where you live and how hot it gets. They start to lay usually the spring after they hatch. They are triggered to start by the increased amount of daylight. They will lay usually until it gets really hot. Some will also start back up in the fall for a while. That is the norm for them but I have had some that laied all summer long but it's rare.
With my Midget Whites I get the most (and most hatchable) eggs in the spring, but last year I got a few all summer long until they gradually tapered off in the early fall.
Fertility is best in the spring. Mine will lay good in the fall but fertility is not as good. The toms can still do the deed but must be shooting blanks. Very early spring can also have this problem. Mine slow in the summer and the hens get more broody. For me the heat damages the eggs so even if they are fertle they do not hatch well in the heat.

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