Turkey limping and now unable to walk


8 Years
May 11, 2011
We have a Standard Bronze hen that is a little over a year old. She's been very healthy, however, a few days ago she started to limp and yesterday, lost all use of her right leg.
I've tried to examine her and found that her left leg has strength in it but her right leg is completely limp from her hock down. It doesn't appear to be broken. Her whole leg was shaking when I picked her up. She cannot keep the right leg under her when she tries to scoop around.
*She lives with our Orpingtons
*She eats the same layer food as them (16-18% protein)
*She quit laying eggs again about 2 weeks ago (she also laid in November and December)
*They live in a coop that has a large ramp for them to get in and out to their run.
*Her poop is a little more liquidy than normal, but still white with bits of black/green independent of the white
*Blackhead is not prevalent in our area
*Noone else is looking sick in the coop

*I've given her scrambled egg and water treated with electrolytes. She ate and drank a little of both.

Any suggestions?
Checked on her again this morning. She is trying to scoot around with her good leg, but it gets tired and then ends up behind her with the other leg. She ate and drank more. She is alert but her face is more pale than usual. I don't know what else to do for her.
I had two turkeys go lame on me this year. One was a red-bronze hen. I killed her after her brood became independent. she had a broken leg, perhaps from breeding? My Royal Palm tom also went lame. He managed to hurt himself mounting a hen that I reintroduced into his pen. He never got better so I killed him too. No visible signs of damage.

Both turkeys appeared healthy otherwise. I think they both would have lived if I had let them, but I think they both would have limped forever. The tom didi have some sores on his keel, perhaps from having a hard time standing.

Can't tell you how to make it better. Sorry.
Sadly, we had to put her down. I don't think she would have recovered from her injury. She was our first turkey and a favorite among all of the birds.
Sorry to hear that but that was what I was going to suggest. I experienced a turkey leg issue a couple months ago. I think they were rough housing and she broke her foot and she never recovered. I processed her. I didn't want to do it but her leg was completely turned around as a result of swollen hocks.

You made the right decision. :hugs
Please help my 1 of my turkeys leg looks bigger then the other and another 1 of my turkeys looks like she is to heavy for her legs
Please help my 1 of my turkeys leg looks bigger then the other and another 1 of my turkeys looks like she is to heavy for her legs

Welcome, sorry you're having these problems. Need more info.: What variety of turkey (did you get them at the feedstore/rescue/etc)? How old are they? What are you feeding them?

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