Turkey mauled yesterday

Slicker chicker

Sep 20, 2023
Last year in March, I decided I wanted to start keeping chickens again… I started out with four Brahmas, and quickly added some Prairie bluebells, a few handicapped Polish, Easter eggers, Cochins, Orpingtons and a leghorn, silkies, and a goose. I hatched out some ducks that I rehomed because I did not know what a mess they would make in my coop but they were fun and I got some turkeys… I didn’t realize they were meat birds when I got them but I’ve been trying to keep the weight down on them, because I have no intention of ever eating them because I don’t like turkey anyway. I’ve been losing my chickens to what we believe is mareks and I’ve had other posts on here asking questions, and seeking advice. This has been a lot of fun for me when things are good, but I have so much heartbreak right now. I’m wondering if I want to continue because I feel like I’m failing them all. Day before yesterday I separated my two turkeys, because they were beating the crap out of each other. One male one female, and I let them both out later yesterday, and I saw my Tom, but couldn’t find my female so I went looking for her. Unfortunately something had gotten her and ripped, almost all the feathers off of her and she had a few big gashes in her . She was still alive when I found her and my husband did put her down. I am wondering what may have gotten her? At first I thought maybe a neighborhood dog but now I’m thinking maybe an eagle or a hawk the way that she was ripped open and had random puncture wounds. Any ideas on what could have done this? And has anybody else been through this where they’ve lost over half their flock and felt like giving up?Sorry this is so rambly, I’m just at a loss and feel so guilty for what my birds have been enduring.


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Those deep gashes do look like raptor but the feathers loss could be coyote or dog.
Sorry for your loss.
What symptoms are you seeing out of your chickens that makes you think it's mereks?
Diet? Ages?
I just have had a high mortality rate… I have a couple that lost the use of their legs, and then slowly just deteriorated. The vet said without a necropsy I can’t be for sure, but with the amount of chickens that I have lost and some of the symptoms, his guess is Mareks. I’ve had a couple that were just lethargic, tipping their heads back kind of gasping for air. Not eating or drinking. Some just died unexpectedly. One started acting crazy walking backwards and spinning, it seemed neurological. It’s been horrible.
Have you seen the tom trying to breed her that could be breeding injuries. With only 1 hen overbreeding is very likely. And they are BB so he is I'm sure a heavy boy and BB tend to not be very efficient breeders.
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I just have had a high mortality rate… I have a couple that lost the use of their legs, and then slowly just deteriorated. The vet said without a necropsy I can’t be for sure, but with the amount of chickens that I have lost and some of the symptoms, his guess is Mareks. I’ve had a couple that were just lethargic, tipping their heads back kind of gasping for air. Not eating or drinking. Some just died unexpectedly. One started acting crazy walking backwards and spinning, it seemed neurological. It’s been horrible.
I'm sorry you're going through that. :hugs
Those can also be symptoms of mold, allium poisoning or nutrition deficiency.
Any chance they could find something moldy or wild onion/garlic? What's their diet?
Looks like your area has high humidity during winter. Wetter areas require more attention to there feed or other things you give them. Ingesting mold for chickens has those symptoms you described.

Keeping there food dry at all times is important cause slight moisture will cause mold to grow. And sometimes new growth isn't easy to see to know. So check the humidity around the chickens to determine if mold will grow. Then alter your way of feeding them.
Have you seen the tom trying to breed her that could be breeding injuries. With only 1 hen overbreeding is very likely. And they are BB so he is I'm sure a heavy boy and BB tend to not be very efficient breeders.
Yeah they were separated because they were fighting. I am 99.9% sure it was neighbors dog. Not the neighbor where I found her but the next one over. She was back hanging around where the attack started and looking at my chickens. I had my dogs out and hopefully if she steps over the fence line my dogs will put her in check. I hate to bring any harm to someone’s dog, but she best hope I don’t catch her. I’m very protective of my flock.
I'd treat the whole flock with Ivermectin (my opinion) separate them by species if you're keeping them together and isolate any noticeably sick birds while changing out all the bedding. The attack could be a dog, that doesn't look like a serious attack to kill and consume.
I think you’re right. Another neighbors dog came around and was down where the attack started. Pretty sure she’s the culprit. I definitely have my eye on her, and will keep my dogs out as much as possible while everybirdy is out free ranging. My dogs don’t mess with my chickens, but they are protective.
Because the turkey was not killed before the feather plucking, I'm sure it was dog.

As for your chickens being sick, they could use a vitamin C supplement, regardless of what is doing them in. Vitamin C takes out viruses and bacteria and cancer cells. Give each bird one pinch of vitamin C powder or granules two times a day.

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