Turkey Poult Questions - (Sexing, Care, etc)



Jesus Loves You🌵
Apr 23, 2021
As of yesterday, I have a couple baby turkeys. It was a spontaneous purchase that left me with 5 leghorns, 2 cornish meat birds, and 2 turkeys. From TSC.

I’ve never had turkeys before but I’ve done research a while ago on them, and how to keep them with chickens. I understand the risks but I am unable to raise then separately at this time.

They are all currently living in the same brooder and they are getting along very well. They are all eating the 18% chick starter.

My main question: Is there a way I can sex the turkey poults at this age?

I know the turkeys need higher protein, so what percent protein feed would be okay to feed all of them (meat birds, layers, and turkeys), if possible?

I have a 50 pound bag of the 18% chick feed. Will they all do okay on this until I run out, and buy a feed that is suitable for all three kinds?

Any advice is helpful and appreciated

@R2elk @Huntmaster
Everything? So all of them will be fine on the 28%?
Well CX, heritage chickens, mixed chickens, heritage turkeys and BBB turkey. Not sure about waterfowl.
Yes they will be fine. 12 wks Turkey can go to chick feed but it starts to lose nutrients after 6 wks so you might want to give it to other birds
I have a 50 pound bag of the 18% chick feed. Will they all do okay on this until I run out, and buy a feed that is suitable for all three kinds?
Personally I will not feed the 18% chick starter to anything. The chick starter I use for just chicks is 23% protein.

I don't recommend brooding turkeys with chicks due to the problems it can cause when they are adults. The imprinting causes the turkeys to lose the ability to understand that chickens are not turkeys. The size difference can cause chickens to be vulnerable when the turkeys are establishing the pecking order and at other times.

If you brood them together, as the others have said, a good 28% protein turkey or game bird starter is fine for both the chicks and poults.
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Thank you all for the advice!
How long until I’m able to sex the poults without DNA testing, and how would I go about that?
Thank you all for the advice!
How long until I’m able to sex the poults without DNA testing, and how would I go about that?
Observe, observe, observe.

It is easier to see the differences if you have both sexes to compare against each other.

Starting at about 3 months and usually by 6 months old they can often be sexed from photos.

Toms tend to start developing their wattle at 2 months old but the hens will soon catch up to them.

Hens will have a "mohawk" of feathers up the back of their neck and on top of their head.

Toms will end up completely bald with only a few hairs on their head.

Toms will have bigger caruncles, heavier legs and bigger bodies.

Eventually the tom's snood will be able to swell and hang down inches below the beak When they fully retract their snoods, they will form int o cone rather than the "J" shape of a hen's.

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