Turkey poult very small and sickly


Jan 5, 2020
North Carolina
Hello everyone! My sweet hen Myrtle just hatched me 4 beautiful Narragansett turkey poults. The problem is, one is very small compared to the others, and keeps falling on its back. They are only 12 to 24 hours old as of now and I'm not sure if there's anything I can do. I dipped the sickly ones beak in sugar water to try and help.

Hello everyone! My sweet hen Myrtle just hatched me 4 beautiful Narragansett turkey poults. The problem is, one is very small compared to the others, and keeps falling on its back. They are only 12 to 24 hours old as of now and I'm not sure if there's anything I can do. I dipped the sickly ones beak in sugar water to try and help.

Turkey Flip over syndrome
Thank you! If I do this and it survives, do you think the issue will be more prevalent if I breed it? I want to stay with Narragansett turkeys but they are so hard to find near me and don't want really bad genetics
The issue can be due to the diet of the hen before she laid the egg. I don't believe that the actual condition is inheritable but the possible cause of being unable to properly process necessary nutrients may be inheritable.

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