Turkey poults not walking


6 Years
May 16, 2014
Hi everyone!
I just hatched my first Narragansett poults. All of them, for the first couple days, were unable to walk. They just flopped around, often winding up on their backs. A day or so passed and they seem totally fine! No deformities, no signs of distress. What's the deal?!? I thought for sure they wouldn't make it so I'm happy to see they're pulling through, but am concerned. Any ideas why this might be happening?

Also, Tom turkey keeps attacking my husband. Will this pass after the Spring?

Thanks in advance!!
Turkey poults hatch and are very clumsy and often trip and fall, so marbles in their water is important to keep them from drowning. Also you will need to repeatedly show them the food for the first week by tapping you finger on it, I also add some shiny glass rocks to draw their attention. If you don't they could starve. Turkey poults need to be taught, where chicks work off instinct. You should keep your poults warmer too, at a 100 degrees the first week.

If your Tom is aggressive he will remain aggressive, all my toms don't bother me, if they did they would be dinner.
Thank you! I have them with chicks so they'll learn from them, won't they?
The aggression only started when mating season did
Was hoping it would pass. He's not aggressive with me- only my husband. But he may have to go then!
The chicks will teach them, but be careful if you raise them together the turkey poults will not see them as different from themselves, I did that once and at sexual maturity the two turned out to be toms and they killed a young rooster during a fight, I removed them before they could do anymore damage.

It seems some people have troubles like that with their toms where they are aggressive to certain members but not others. I personally would get a different Tom.

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