Turkey Talk for 2014

Many, many thanks, for your thoughtful reply. I was invited to participate in a Homestead Project and I moved up here early in November. The birds were already here and all of them, including our Plymouth barred Rocks and New Hampshire Reds were purchased from Cackle Hatchery. There are 49 birds in all.

Although I have no experience raising poultry of any kind, you and I are of the same ilk in that I have been reading everything I can get my hands on and I've convinced the owner of the importance of focusing on the turkeys. I also have an ally who's willing to accompany me to some upcoming poultry shows along with another volunteer who has some experience showing birds.

The links you provided are enormously helpful!
Everyone I know calls me "the crazy bird lady", so I cannot whine to them cause they don't care. Therefore, I will whine here if u don't mind.

I'm going to have to get rid of my turkeys!!!! I could just cry! They free range and my Tom has decided to start pooping on the neighbors porches. 2 different neighbors!! I have no pen for them, & my bf is not willing to build one, so guess off to the swap they go this weekend!! :(
Everyone I know calls me "the crazy bird lady", so I cannot whine to them cause they don't care. Therefore, I will whine here if u don't mind.

I'm going to have to get rid of my turkeys!!!! I could just cry! They free range and my Tom has decided to start pooping on the neighbors porches. 2 different neighbors!! I have no pen for them, & my bf is not willing to build one, so guess off to the swap they go this weekend!!

Could you build one yourself? I have built most of my pens.

Simple chicken wire and the green garden stakes will hold them in and there is no building required for that. And if you need a cover aviary netting or a tarp works well. I use PVC pipes arched over to hold up the netting. Works well.

You could also look on craigslist for a chainlink dog kennel.
Could you build one yourself? I have built most of my pens.

Simple chicken wire and the green garden stakes will hold them in and there is no building required for that. And if you need a cover aviary netting or a tarp works well. I use PVC pipes arched over to hold up the netting. Works well.

You could also look on craigslist for a chainlink dog kennel.

Well, probably if stakes and wire is all I would need. You use the stakes to hold the wire together?? Any way u could send me a pic of a few ideas?
Anyway to get a first time laying hen to lay where you want her? I don't thinks she has played yet but she's been searching ever nook and crany of the yard. I'm worried she will go to the neighbors any advice?

Bird netting is found at Lowes in their seasonal stuff. It is sold in14x 14' bags for like $3, and in rolls that I think are 7' wide for a little more. Not to be confused with chicken wire which I have seen called bird netting. Of course, wire is stronger. So is deer netting.
Attack chicken, a dummy egg is a good way to show her where to lay. Unlike our chickens, I am reading in this thread that you need a dummy egg at all times. Otherwise, they find a new location.
looks like my tom is either not "hitting the mark" or he is shooting blanks (all the eggs are clear, even after 3 weeks in the bator)

will some butt trimming on the girl help any???
looks like my tom is either not "hitting the mark" or he is shooting blanks (all the eggs are clear, even after 3 weeks in the bator)

will some butt trimming on the girl help any???

No need for trimming. The are just immature and inexperienced or the hens aren't fully cooperating yet. They will get it eventually with practice.

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