Two eggs at once??


Free Ranging
14 Years
Mar 14, 2010
Corrales, NM
Big puzzle in the nest box today. I have an OE who laid her egg at the roost (normal for her, she sometimes lays at night). Then the only EE went into the nest box. When I went back later to get eggs there were TWO of hers! One was normal-sized, but the second one was a bit larger and a much thinner shell. There were no eggs in the box before she went in as I had picked up eggs earlier that day and she's the only EE (green eggs).

Is it possible that chickens can lay back-to-back eggs?
That can happen :) is she a new layer.?
The second day my hen layed eggs she layed two.! But both same size and hard shell so it was really weird
This week we had one of our hens for positive lay two eggs at once (with in the same sitting). Sounds really silly but one of my buffs prefers to lay her eggs in a corner of my living room. She has made a nest out of an afghan behind one of the end tables. I don't know why she does this, but she will peck and raise a fuss at the door until we let her in. I am positive it was two at once because she went to her spot, sat a few minutes, then came out to cluck at me. We checked for her egg and there wasn't anything there. Unsuccessfully tried to get her back out the door, she went back to her spot again and sat for over an hour. When she finally emerged, she was so excited, it's hard to explain. She went back outside as normal, and when my husband went to the corner for her egg, he found Two fresh warm eggs. Chickens can lay two eggs not only in the same day but at the same time.
The answer is yes. In fact, I have an EE who began laying again several weeks ago following completion of molt. She has consistently been laying two eggs every other day. I know this because her eggs are a unique shape and color. Also, only a few hens are laying currently, so it's even easier to nail down which are hers.

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