Two lame ducks


In the Brooder
Mar 21, 2017
We have probably 30 Muscovey ducks in our farm pond. We've had one of the young females go lame a few weeks ago, just sits around, won't walk. She will eat/drink if you put it in front of her. She's had a few blood blisters come up on her feet, that I've drained. I put her in the backyard fence at night to try keeping her safe.
Now, another one is doing the same thing. She's in the fence now too. They are about 3 months old. There's nothing obvious on their feet, except the blood blisters on the first one. Our ducks free range all the time, so should be getting plenty of bugs, and other goodies. We also give them corn.
Ideas? No poultry vets in our area.
Corn is the only grain we give them, yes. They're not too interested in anything else. They pretty much have the run of our farm.
The feed is definitely something to investigate more. Besides what has been said above, are there stickers around, or sharp glass pieces or something else causing the blood blisters?
Only mowed grass and the gravel driveway. The second duck I put in the fence last night, flew out. So she, at least, has some defense.

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