Typical kids!


10 Years
Mar 28, 2011
I know that I said I'd do it at 2 weeks, but I decided to give my chickies a little plate with some green leaf lettuce, a few carrot shavings, and a little bit of diced green pepper just now. Their reaction? They ran to the plate, took one look, and walked away. No one even picked up a single piece! I could almost hear them saying, "Lettuce? Seriously Ma... What were you thinking?"
This is where I'd try to sucker my toddler and be like..... "Look buddy, maybe the chickies need to see you eat some veggies first!" *lol*

Any changes on who the "friendliest" is? I have a 3 year old and am getting a couple chicks after vaca in August. We obviously want a friendly, sociable, laying flock too. I am so jealous of all you guys and your chicks!!
I know what you mean! I got a new hen, a month or two old, and she won't peck at anything I give that isn't feed from a store. The older girls come running anytime they see me with food, but she just runs away from me! I'm glad to hear that this behavior isn't unique to her. Maybe she doesn't like rotten produce...
Fortunately both of my kids are pretty good about eating their veggies.

My favorite chick so far is my Dominique. She's super friendly. Some of the others are starting to realize that I'm not going to gobble them up after all and are getting a little friendlier. I think feeding them from my hand is helping that. I'm still trying to pick them up a couple of times per day, but the reaction is always the same. Total freakout.

Mine go nuts when I put in hard-boiled egg. Picture half a dozen 4 year olds in a small room containing a bucket full of jelly beans. That's about how these girlies act when I give them a plate with a finely diced hard-boiled egg on it!
My big girls are about 2 yrs. and still turn their beaks up at lettuce and carrots. I think it's because they mostly freerange, and have ample greens available to them daily
In your case it may just be that they haven't a clue (and are therefore suspicious of) what that stuff is. I know my little ones were terrified of watermelon when I first introduced it to them
But now they love it.
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