Uh-oh... incubator tripped the circuit breaker during the night:-(


In the Brooder
8 Years
Jun 7, 2011
NE Wisconsin
So last week, I woke up to an incubator that was not running (it's a forced air LG) and at 72 degrees. This was at day 7. Happened again at day 10 (this time, I tackled the root problem). Both times, I reset the circuit breaker, and kept on like nothing happened (I am turning them by hand 3x a day). Day 15 now and I can't tell if there has been any more embryonic development in the eggs. They look the same as when I candled them at day 7, although the size of the air cells has increased. The eggs are all green and dark brown, so it's hard to tell anyway... Accidentally broke one of the eggs last night, and inside was a red gelatinous blob and obviously not a 15 day old chick embryo. My question is, should I just call it quits at this point? Or is it worth a shot to continue incubating the rest? Is it even possible at this point for the remaining eggs to catch up, or I am just creating potential stink bombs? What would you do?
I would stop the hatch and do an egg-topsy, if the eggs are your chicken's eggs, if you bought them, then I would just leave them in the incubator, until they hatched or it started to stink.
Oh that sucks... our power went out for 10 mins a couple weeks ago and I was freaking out. I had my husband running out the door with barely time to get his shoes to go down to our shop to get a big ol' generator we have....when the power clicked back on. Whew!!

When ever I feel bummed or discouraged about eggs hatching... I order more. lol.. just saying it makes me feel better. lol

By the way... our names are close.. "Kristen Rae" mine is Christie Rhae... pronounced like... ray. lol
I had power outages twice
while incubating silkies, one for 3 hours, and 1 at 5 hours, all silkies hatched out.
I'm thinking I probably need to get the gumption to do an egg-topsy. I didn't purchase the eggs, they came from a friend. I was supposed to incubate them and we would split the hatch, so feeling a little guilty here... even though there isn't much I could have done to prevent it. We just bought our house last spring and this is the first power failure we have endured! I'll let you know what I decide to do. Wish me luck!
I would wonder why the breaker is tripping, if it is an incubator problem it is not going to fix itself and the incubator could fail. It could be an issue with your circuit breaker, a low amp one could be installed, or the existing one could be faulty and need to be changed out.
Here too. Don't give up. I lost power 2 weeks into incubation. The temp in the incubator was 78 degrees when I discovered it. I put the incubator on a battery pack with an inverter and brought the temp back up. I still had a good hatch. Maybe put the incubator on another outlet with a different circuit breaker. Maybe it's a bad breaker. A incubator doesn't draw enough power to trip a breaker.
My husband investigated the circuit breaker box. Come to find out, two of our window a/c, the fridge, the 'bator AND our dehumidfier are all on the same circuit! This makes no sense to me, as the 'bator and the dehumidifier are both on a different side and level of the house. I was able to switch some things up (the list of circuits written inside the breaker box were useless and inaccurate) and I haven't had a problem since. The deal is, we are going to candle again on the day that would have been lock-down, and decide from there. Cross your fingers!

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