Ummm, Yea... this is a boy right??

whoa whoa! Don't you want a chicken for supper? If I were you, I'd raise him for eight weeks. Not sure when they start crowing, but no matter. When he starts to make too much noise before eight weeks. Go ahead and butcher him then. But if your not able to butcher your own, then I totally understand! But if you don't mind butchering or can't find someone to do it for you. I'd say just raise him up to the eight week or so mark and butcher. His crow shouldn't be real developed by then anyway.
well, my neighbor did say he knew how.. but Im afraid my rubbermaid tub might not hold him for 5 weeks... humm, guess I'll look up how big he should be in 5 more weeks... could I put him in his own tub?
Roosters don't really start to crow till around 5-6 mos. You should be good to slaughter by around 10-12 weeks, personally I'd wait till then so you get a bigger roaster. Now for the living situation, do you have a coop yet?
yes i have a coop


waiting on city approval to build run
Well, as long as you have a heat source (not sure how cold it is there) you could put them all in there as long as it's mostly ready. Are tou planning on cutting a chicken door on there as well? Anywho, I have my 8 week old ladies in our coop now and our run isn't finished yet either. They seem perfectly happy as is, till Sunday atleast! Btw, looks like a meat bird to me...they grow FAST!
they are only 3 weeks old though.... & I dont have approval from the city to even have the coop yet much less the chickens... Im hoping in the next month & half all that will be finalized with the city, run built & chicks moved.... thats why i just want the girls in thier own tub & if I keep ol' boy here it will be in his own tub.....

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