Unknown chicken safety


In the Brooder
May 2, 2020
This is probably in the wrong place...

I found a strange chicken outside my coop lastnight and have no idea how to keep her warm tonight when the temps drop. Tomorrow night will be even colder. She runs away everytime I get near so I doubt I'll catch her.

She slept under the coop lastnight. It's got plastic sheeting around most of it, will that be enough for below freezing when it's wet and humid?

If by chance I manage to catch her, would being in a small coop in the middle of the run be safe for my chickens if she had something that could spread? She's already interacting with them through the fence, she acts like she really wants in the run.



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If she has something putting her in the middle of the coop isn't the best idea. As long as she's out of the wind she'll be good. If you can, grab her when it's dark out. Chickens can't see good in the dark so you'll have an easier time catching her. You'll want to keep her away from the other chickens for at least 3 weeks. Check her over for bugs, worms, sickness, etc.

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