unknown gosling breeds


5 Years
Jun 21, 2018
QLD Australia
Just wondering at what age I could be able to tell what breed (or mix) my goslings are? they are only young. two I know are 10 days old, the other two unknown age
You will probably need to hit the first full feather stage before you will get a good guess then a year you may have a better one if there mixed. Mixed is always a guess. But Im sure you will love them no matter what. I cant think of anything I love more then raising goslings.
You will probably need to hit the first full feather stage before you will get a good guess then a year you may have a better one if there mixed. Mixed is always a guess. But Im sure you will love them no matter what. I cant think of anything I love more then raising goslings.
Thanks. I'm not fussed if they end up pure breeds or mixes since these will be purely pets. My teenage daughter is very much against Sebastopol though, so I keep joking our two lighter ones are those.

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