Unknown/Unidentified Illness


In the Brooder
Jan 12, 2024
Hello! First time posting, first time chicken Momma. I have a 6-month-old Barred Plymouth Rock hen who is in a bad way, and I cannot figure it out! Here's what's been happening:

Skitlz began to lay eggs on Christmas Eve - so exciting! - but then stopped around January 4th. I have done an internal check a couple of times - she is not egg bound. I noticed she sounded different with strained, nearly inaudible, vocalizations. This from a hen that is my most chatty and near ear shattering squawker. Checked her mouth and throat - no canker, no white spots, no smell, no noticeable obstruction. Checked her crop and it was like a small water balloon with what felt like minimal grit/layer crumble inside. Gave her some olive oil in the hopes that might resolve things but alas it did not.

She has been puffed up pretty much all the time and seems hunched when perched/roosting. Eyes are bright and clear with no discharge, no discharge from the nostrils, no sneezing, but a lot of head shaking to the point now it's near constant. I listened to her lungs with a stethoscope, and they are clear - no cracking or wheezing. No open beak or gasping for air. Comb and wattles have had great color until today when I noticed they are beginning to pale slightly. She now stands, more often than not, on one foot or the other - not normal. No bumblefoot or signs of any foot, toe, leg issues. I noticed she's scratching at one ear quite often - no visible signs of an infection.

She has been pecking at food but not nearly enough and today seems to have stopped eating entirely. Won't even consider her favorite treats! Water though? Drinks it like there will never be another drop again - I mean she is sucking it down like nobody's business! Checked her crop again and it's a small water balloon but now with nothing inside except, I assume, water. Her droppings became liquid with the white nitrates and for just a day some lime green - this could be from the barley fodder she nibbled at. Today no more white just clear liquid coming out. She usually eats layer crumble, layer mash, grubs (live or dried), and scratch as a treat.

She used to be the hen that came running fast as she could to be near me and to jump on my back for a ride as we cleaned the run "together". Now she wants nothing to do with me and runs from me (of course, I did probe her in places one should not be probed so I kinda get it) - segregates herself from the rest of the flock until bedtime and keeps her eyes closed more often than open. I know she is in a bad way - I can feel it with every ounce of my being despite many saying she's fine given her coloration and healthy appearance?

We do not have an avian vet that's seeing new patients, nor do we have any ER clinics that will see a chicken. I consulted a vet on Just Ask but without a physical exam she said it's hard to diagnose given the symptoms. She felt it could be congenital heart disease but again not for certain without bloodwork and imaging. I have researched high and low and am coming up empty handed making me feel utterly helpless and completely discouraged. I know the loss of chickens is part of owning chickens but I'm not ready to lose one so soon - especially when I've cared for her from day 2 of her for too young life!

If any of this seems familiar to you or you have thoughts on what else I might try, I beg you for your help! And I thank you in advance from the bottom of my chicken loving heart for your time in reading (and hopefully responding to) this post! Note: Last pic is of Skitlz on the left and her sister, Lolo, who sat beside her and preened her - such a beautiful sight...

PS I think the guidelines asked for info on bedding and such - the girls have hemp bedding in the coop on the floor, sand on the sh** shelf, gravel in a large portion of the run and the remainder is dirt. I clean everything once a day at a minimum. The coop is fully insulated - the run is covered by a tarp, currently winterized with wind/privacy screens on 3 sides and a clear plastic tarp on the other for direct sunlight. Ample ventilation in coop and run.


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What do you feed her? When are you checking her crop—early in the morning before she eats? Her crop looks enlarged in one picture. Does she seem overweight or just look poofy? Can you feel of it early morning, and tell us if it is empty, or full, soft and puffy, doughy, etc. I would stop probing her. Does she have any enlargement of her lower belly under her vent? You could give her a human calcium citrate tablet with vitamin d 600 mg if you think she might be egg bound.
What do you feed her? When are you checking her crop—early in the morning before she eats? Her crop looks enlarged in one picture. Does she seem overweight or just look poofy? Can you feel of it early morning, and tell us if it is empty, or full, soft and puffy, doughy, etc. I would stop probing her. Does she have any enlargement of her lower belly under her vent? You could give her a human calcium citrate tablet with vitamin d 600 mg if you think she might be egg bound.
Sorry I thought I posted what we fed - layer crumble as they want it, layer mash 3x/wk, barley fodder 1x/week, grubs 2x/week (live or dried), scratch 1x/wk - they also have oyster shell as they want it. Recently, she gets her crop checked morning, afternoon, and before bed - mornings it's empty to a golf ball size, afternoon and before bed it's 2-3 times that - always soft and squishy like a water balloon. No enlargement of the belly. She weighed 4.6 pounds on 12/30 and was 4 lbs on 1/10. Definitely not overweight - absolutely puffy. I do not think she is egg bound - I'm pretty sure I've read they can die without passing an egg with in 48 hours? Her last egg was 8 days ago
I would keep her on a small amount of layer feed with a lot of water added, and a bit of plain yogurt or egg. If you have coconut oil, chill some and give her some cut up bits to peck up to 2 tsp per day. Massage her crop several times a day downward to break up any doughy bits. Monistat or miconazole cream can be given orally 1/2 inch twice a day for the crop as an antifungal treatment. One dose of calcium would not hurt her just in case something is going on with egg production.
I would keep her on a small amount of layer feed with a lot of water added, and a bit of plain yogurt or egg. If you have coconut oil, chill some and give her some cut up bits to peck up to 2 tsp per day. Massage her crop several times a day downward to break up any doughy bits. Monistat or miconazole cream can be given orally 1/2 inch twice a day for the crop as an antifungal treatment. One dose of calcium would not hurt her just in case something is going on with egg production.
She won't eat any feed of any sort just now - I've tried everything. I do have coconut oil so will give that a shot!! I've been massaging her crop each time I check it in circular motions with the olive oil but haven't tried Monistat so that'll be next up. Is Tums the right option for calcium? Assuming I can get her to eat that...
Tums is okay if that is all you have. Calcium citrate with vitamin d is most quickly absorbed, and the d helps. Tums is calcium carbonate, but okay, just has no d3. I have d3 supplements for myself, and those can be added to the Tums.
Tums is okay if that is all you have. Calcium citrate with vitamin d is most quickly absorbed, and the d helps. Tums is calcium carbonate, but okay, just has no d3. I have d3 supplements for myself, and those can be added to the Tums.
I'll run to CVS first thing in the morning - I know they carry the calcium citrate w/ d3. Pray I can get her to take any of these options! Thank you SOOOOO very much!!
Hello! X2 on the calcium citrate! Offer her raw yolk, straight nutri drench, some cooked hamburger to boost her nutrition.
And hello to you! I've tried the yolk and just turns her beak up. Should I force it using a syringe w/o needle and drop it down the hatch so to speak? I do have nutri drench and she's all about drinking so thinking that won't be a problem. Thank you!!!
And hello to you! I've tried the yolk and just turns her beak up. Should I force it using a syringe w/o needle and drop it down the hatch so to speak? I do have nutri drench and she's all about drinking so thinking that won't be a problem. Thank you!!!
No, I would not force liquids down her.
She's drinking on her own. Sounds like she has a crop problem which is a symptom.
I would get the Calcium into her asap. Just pull the wattles down to open the beak, pop the calcium tablet into the beak and let her swallow.

Likely she's having a hard time expelling and egg, it may be a soft shelled/shell less egg which can be hard to push out. Hopefully this is the case and the calcium will help her. Once the egg is out, she probably has another on the way, so keep up with the calcium for 5 days. Most of the time, IF the crop is slow due to problems with an egg, this symptom will resolve once the egg(s) have been laid/expelled.

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