UPDATE.. Day 23 hatch! See page 4 for FUZZY pics!!


11 Years
Mar 21, 2008
Livingston Parish, LA
HELP!!! Day 22 egg PIPPED at top side of the egg...what to do?

OMG... one of my 3 eggs has beginnings of a pip... it isn't peirced through.. just a start burst shape crack.... will the chick drown pipping there?????

Should I help? My first time...!!!!! PLease asnser quick will post pics later
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No I would leave it alone, if you open the bator your humidity will drop. Plus if it just pipped it can take 24 hours to hatch. It should be fine. Helping now would really not do any good.
Willowcol that's for the quick reply... it stopped me from opening the lid so thanks..

I tried taking a picture with zoom to show where the pip is... it is NOT in the air cell... are you sure the chick won't drown?????? Is it NORMAL to not pip the air cell area?????? I marked air celss with pencil during candling process week ago... also circled the area I first saw movement because it helped during later candlings... that circle is where the beginning pip is... in the side of the egg.

the egggs are laying on their sides... anyway... just please tell me if this is totally normal... I was expecting to see pips in the air cell... but I'm so new to this and maybe I just don't know... pictures don't show anything.. too washed out with flash and zoom either... so not worth posting..

I'll go do a search for pictures so I can see what a normal pip looks like. that should help... I do remember ZIPS are in that area... do they breathe from the air cell and then pip the sides?
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I have 1 in the bator right now that pipped the wrong end this morning. I can't say it won't drown but I can tell you that if it hasn't finished asborbing the yolk and if there is still blood in the membrane then helping it now will jsut kill it. I would rather let it fisnish itself. If it were going to drown from pipping there it probably has already happend.
There are very few times when intervention is necessary. Until you've been experienced in many more hatches, youre best bet is to just let Mother Nature do what she does best, dont open the incubator, and just watch and learn.
YES, a pip !!!!!!


Everything sounds like its going fine !! Now you sit and wait

Sounds like you will have some chickies soon

It could take up to 24 hours for the chick to fully hatch. What is your hum at now ??
I have been checking throughout the night and day no more than 3 hours... Humidity has reached 70-75F (this is with the NEW accurite since yesterday evening) and I lift the lid to let it go back to 65 or 62-3 because it keeps raising naturally after that. Both vent plugs are out since ya'll advised me that yesterday...

Though I can't see them... I assume the sponges are just wet (as they were yesterday when I took the whole thing apart and set the eggs on a towel outside the bator while I poured water out of the pan)... haven't added any more water. and it's been holding it's own with the occasional release of HUM by me, when I lift the lid..

That's what I've been doing since yesterday anyway.. prior to that the last 2 days the Hum was through the roof. Until now I didn't think they were going to make it because of that.. wow.. I'll be amazed if they do... I'm praying that at least 2 make it because only one will be SO lonely..
hey i had the same problem my first time. i was extremley nervous. the chicken will make its way out i had some chickens breaking out weird ways but let them bee! its the worst for them with your help because as sad as it sounds... if there not strong to make it out of the egg then they arent going to be a strong bird. good luck and be patient!!!

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