Update-- I have now found chickens to purchase. Thanks!


15 Years
May 25, 2008
I am looking to buy 1-3 BANTAMS, preferably 1 rooster and 2 hens, but am open to other possibilities.
I would like to get these ASAP and could drive a fairly long distance if needed.
The buddy to our lone Welsummer hen just died yesterday and she is acting lonely and afraid. She could use new friends.
If you have show-quality birds, that would be extra wonderful since I'd like to show again in future, but not required!
Particularly interested in bantam Wyandottes, Plymouth Rocks, or maybe Brahmas.
Thank you!!
Update: I found a breeder of show-quality bantam Rhode Island Reds in Tremonton, Utah if anyone else would be interested, too. I posted info at https://www.backyardchickens.com/threads/utah.24/page-3354#post-25872964
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