UPDATE MON9/13 Chick hatched Sunday & bum is not right


9 Years
Jul 15, 2010
Spencer, Ind
this lil chick hatched out Sunday and its bum just isnt right ! and now monday it hasnt changed any except it is dry now?
I dunno if I can fix this or if it will stay like this or correct its self?? I just dunno ANY ADVICE???


and again

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That's it's belly button. It's an outee, don't do anything to it. If it's bleeding, it could bleed to death. (then you do something about it) Once the yolk finishes absorbing, it usually heals. As long as it's dry it should be OK.

Sometimes other chicks will peck at it so it's best to keep it a bit isolated if possible.

Good luck.
thanks I did keep it seperate till the chick dried and fluffed out it is now hid in all the down
it has been in with all the other 14 babies since last night I did watch them for a awhile and they didnt notice it!! thank goodness!
baby is fine it still looks the same except the spot is all dried out!
here is my baby now and I am worried that it is not pooping I dunno for sure it is smaller than some of the chicks that were born after it! It is a standard chick NOT A bantam!
it does eat lil bit and moves around but also SLEEPs ALOT!
I am sure it did not take in all the yolfk before it was born but it is dry now I dunno what I can do or if any poo is getting out around or through this??



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