Update - Successful intervention - hen, dried egg on vent, intestines


12 Years
May 3, 2007
New Mexico
My hen was free ranging and happy when I saw what appears to be a dried egg on her vent with intestines going into it? It is very dried and I am afraid to cut-pull without any idea what I am doing! She seems very well otherwise, just over one year old. What should I do? No vet for chickens in our area.

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DH has her in a warm bath now - it was the only thing I could think of either. No trace of shell, looks like all yolk.
I think success, I was able to remove it layer by layer, it was very hard and dried. Yolk was outside, white inside. When I got to the final removal I was very very gentile, and she sucked the internals back inside her. I will post an update tomorrow in case anyone else has this problem in the future.

My new quote:" If you are not willing to stick your fingers in a chicken's vent, then don't have chickens!"
I love your new quote and oh so true. I sure hope your hen is ok. You did a great job.....give yourself a pat on the back!

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