UPDATE-- WRY NECK-- Svart Pullet Having Seizures-- Please Help!!


Apr 9, 2017
I just went out the the brooder to give our chicks water. This svart hen is about 2 1/2 months old. She was laying in the box away from the other chicks, and she got up and got a sip of water after having a very white runny poop. I thought she was just itching herself but she appears to be having seizures.

Is there anything you can give chickens to help stop seizures? What should we do?! It's 2 am, no vet, no where but Walmart is open.

Please help!!!!
She keeps stretching her neck all the way under her body like she is tucking her head in. This is why I thought she was just itching herself.
I did a search, and I am pretty sure that is what it is.... vit e is what they need. We gave her a vitamin and electrolyte supplement, which has a vit e supplement in the ingredients, will this be enough vitamin e for her?
I did a search, and I am pretty sure that is what it is.... vit e is what they need. We gave her a vitamin and electrolyte supplement, which has a vit e supplement in the ingredients, will this be enough vitamin e for her?
I'd say that'll be enough. Is she okay today?
She's a little better, I think. She's still having seizures but I don't think they are as often as they were. She doesn't appear to be in pain, just a little confused and scared. We've been giving her lots of salmon, because it's really high in vits b-12, e, and selenium which is all supposed to be good for that. So fingers crossed. She is such a sweet girl.
You have to also do physical therapy for her. Hold her head in the correct position and then stretch it a little further from regular both up, down, and side to side. Do this as much as you can stand. In fact, get a towel put her in your lap and watch a few movies everyday doing this. It can really take along time doing the neck stretches. If you use something like making a neck wrap on her neck to help keep it in place, only do that while she is in your lap because they can panic and hurt themselves worse BUT if you have her in your lap and use something like "vet wrap around a sock around her neck" to give your hand a rest, KEEP her in your lap to keep her calm. The main thing that seems to help (other than Poly Vi Sol) is neck therapy. I could not get Junebug to drink the Poly Vi Sol and when I tried to give it to her with a dropper, it nearly wold choke her. I found if I mixed the 2ml into a small amount of her food and she would eat it up.
Thank you for this!! We just got her nutri-drench after doing some research on different poultry vitamins... we chose nutri-drench because it is the only one with vitamin E and selenium... and they can absorb the vitamin e better, supposedly, if the selenium is with it. We gave it to her directly with the dropper. We've also been supplementing her with electrolytes, anti-inflammatories (turmeric), and basically the equivalent of antibiotics (oregano), along with organic chick starter.

We did figure out last night if we wrap a sock around her neck, it helps a LOT. We have been leaving it there (only loosely wrapped), but she is right inside with us, so she is being watched pretty much constantly. Thank you for the neck therapy tips!! We will try it.
I had tried to leave June's wrap on but when I would so much as put her down she would start trying to peck at it and got her bottom beak hung up on it. So I immediately in my head had visions of her breaking her bottom beak off and I am too scared to leave it on her since she seemed so determined to hurt herself. Like right now she feels GREAT so she is flying in her hutch (in the bathroom, its a bunny cage) and she is living up to her name cause she is flying like a June Bug. Probably how she hurt her neck in the first place.

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