(UPDATED) Buff Orp can't stand up- is if Marek's or other!!


12 Years
Apr 25, 2007
Southern Maine
One of my 7-month-old Buff Orpington pullets is suddenly lame. I've brought her into the house, however, our one dog crate (for chicken isolation) is already occupied by our dear 2-year-old EE who was attacked by a hawk on Sunday! So I would love to figure out what is going on here....

Two days ago (Sunday) the flock was attacked by a hawk. We found feathers in clumps, and they all belonged to the EE, so when I found wounds on her I figured she was the only one hurt. The rest of our small flock looked fine, albeit REALLY scared.

The rest of the flock has not been allowed of their pen since the attack. I haven't been watching them closely but did not notice anything wrong yesterday.

Today I went out to give them some scratch and noticed Helga did not come running with the others. She was sitting down under the coop ramp. She did not try to run away from me (unusual for her, as she's normally very skittish) and I picked her up and examined her. I do not see or feel anything wrong at all. But she can't stand very well. When I put her down she stands on one leg only, and if prodded, tries to limp, but then just sits back down.

I brought her inside and put her on a blanket and offered her a bite of bread and some plain yogurt. She took a couple tiny bites of these, then had a very yucky runny bright green and white poop.

She's now in the crate with the EE, sitting quietly. I'm not sure what to do. Should I find something else and keep them separate? (The EE is also being quiet, she has a wound I don't beleive is serious, that is covered with a gauze pad now.)

I do not see any other signs of disease (no runny/watery eyes or nose, no breathing problems, her comb is not pale, feathers still glossy, etc.) BUT- there was that yucky poop.... so that makes me worried it is more than just a pulled muscle or something!

It is not bumblefoot, I've had a hen with that before and know what to look for. There is no sign of injury that I can see (although she's a BO, so, you know, VERY fluffy and it's hard to see every inch of skin under all those feathers!)

Does anyone have any clues for me?!?!?!?!

Thank you!
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Hi, I'm sorry but should probably read up Mareks...
Thanks, I was thinking about that as well. I actually just called the feed store to confirm that she'd been vaccinated. She has. How effective is that vaccine? is it possible she was vaccinated but got it anyway? What other symptoms would I be seeing, do you think?
I think it's possible but I'm not an expert.

I think I read that even chicks can get it if they're exposed too soon after being vaccinated. And as a slow disease, you might not know until it hit critical (I think).
I found this on line, and it doesn't describe how she is behaving right now. Can anyone confirm whether this is indeed the most typical presentation: "Progressive paralysis, usually of the leg or wing, a typical leg-paralysis victim will have one leg extended forward and one leg extended back. A swelling of the sciatic nerve is the cause." The same source (a UNH Coop Ext document) says that "vaccinated flocks" usually have a 5% mortality rate compared with 60% unvaccinated... so it sounds like it IS possible she could have it if she was vaccinated.

It also says, "Some birds develop temporary paralysis that disappears after 1-2 days. They
appear to return to normal, but frequently die from internal tumors a short time later." So even if she gets better, I am going to worry!!!

If it IS Marek's, am I supposed to do something, like notify someone?
Well, she's not any better (possibly a little worse???) this morning!

Can anyone please tell me how Marek's progresses? How fast it progresses, and most importantly how to tell if it's definitely Marek's?? I do not want her to suffer, but I also don't want to put her down if it could be something she might heal from (like a sprain, etc. She's a BIG girl and the roost is at about 30" high, so that's possible...)

Also- if it IS Marek's,am I supposed to notify any authorities?
Help! HEN LOSING WEIGHT-DARK GREEN FECES-MOANING AND GROANING! by CallyB57 [ 1 2 3 4 ] Emergencies / Diseases / Injuries and Cures 30 Today 7:43 am by CallyB57

If you can find my above post (or thread) please read it, and if your birds symptoms are the same, there is hope she will recover.

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