URGENT 3 roos attacking each other.....


In the Brooder
12 Years
Jul 28, 2007
Adelaide, SA, Australia
hey all,

we got 3 baby chicks 3 months ago and raised them up....

turns out they are 3 roos!

in the last week they have all started crowing and now that they have obviously matured they are all up for the dominance! they always attack each other and i dont know what to do! they draw blood and have chunks out their combs....

i dont know what to do.... ive let them out the pen to run around the backyard so they dont have to be close to each other but its still an all in brawl!!!

suggestions?! its hard to get rid of roos in suburbia....

what does everyone else do in this situation?


I think you know you are seeing the pecking order being established and challenged at every turn. Most likely the fighting will esculate.

You can separate them completely and give them each their own ladies. You could then have 3 little trios or 3 flocks.

You can rehome them -which isn't always easy.

You can also serve two of them for supper.

I don't know of any other options right off hand

That's for sunday dinner.

But tomorrow will be a fried chicken liver supper. I am thinking with fried okra, mac and cheese (the creamy baked casserole kind), gravey and biscuits.
thanks missprissy!

i would like to rehome them, but wether they are alive when i get home from work tonight is a different story!!!

they are full on at each other! and this only got this bad this morning....

i'd rather get someone to cull them quickly rather than them slaughter each other and die in pain!

see what happens hey.....

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