*URGENT*! Baby Bird eggs Found! *IT HATCHED!!!*


9 Years
Dec 17, 2010
Under Your bed
I edited this post to make it easier for you guys to understand

Alright, long story short my friend's dad cut down a tree ( Pine tree I belive )

And there was a bird nest with two eggs in it. I told her it was OK for her to bring

them over and put the eggs in my incubator, and hope for the best. Well, a crack

was discovered in one egg, (like it was smushed) and the other is looking good.

I candled and they look like a chicken egg looks after incubating for 18 days.

I really think they're pretty far along. My stupid incubator won't hold the temp.

I turn it to 99.5 F and it stays between that and 97 F. I'm turning the little egg,

carefully ofcoarse. I'm not sure what kind of bird this egg came from though.

Pictures of eggs with a Quarter.


These eggs are TINY. We actually thought they may be hummingbird eggs, but other BYC-ers did

not suggest hummingbirds, and the nest is far to big, in my opinion.

Heres a picture of the nest. Whatever built this nest used peices of trash weaved into straw,

and sticks. The nest is also huge, compared to these tiny eggs, by the way.



Alright you guys, since the egg with the one side is smushed, I thought it would be a good

time to crack it, to see how far along these eggs are. I cracked it open, and this little

guy was REALLY far along. Beak, wings, legs, and eyes are all there. It's totally easy

to tell that this IS a baby bird now. Rather than a mutant alien, which is what I think of

when I see babies that are just starting to develop. Pictures:



I'm really trying my hardest not to get my hopes up...but I'm also trying my hardest to give

this last little egg a chance. Can anyone figure maybe when I should stop turning,

judging by the pictures? I'll keep you all updated.


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Just try around the normal chicken values and aim for 37.3C and humidity about 40-50%.

I incubate parrots, quail, geese, chickens all around 37.3C.

How nice to hear you're going to try and help, I wonder what an earlth they'll be?????????????
That is a noble effort, but I assure you that momma is around watching, you just can't see her. I would have gotten them off the ground in a quiet, sheltered place not far from where they were found and watch. Momma will show up. You could try to construct a makeshift nest of dried grasses or strips of cloth. But depending on the bird, she might not like it and abandon them & start a new clutch.
I would maybe call your local humane society to see if they have a wildlife branch and see what they suggest. Even if the eggs do hatch, the babies will require "pigeon milk" from their parents for their first 4 to 5 days of life.
In most states there is an emergency wild bird rescue that you can contact for advice. They could help you identify the eggs and tell you what to do. In most places you need a special permit/license/training to raise or handle native birds or chicks, and there are people who are specialized in there care and feeding. I have a friend who does this. I found a wild bird last year- she told me that the chances of it surviving enclosed indoors is very low. I would think the chicks might need special care if the eggs are even viable after the fall and able to hatch. I was advised that Mom will come back for fallen babies, I don't know about eggs.
If you take a picture of them next to a quarter for size reference I may be able to tell you what kind they are. If the parent birds aren't hanging around the scene then they've probably already abandoned it. I'm sure they were quite traumatized.

If they hatch, and you don't have a local rescue-person around, you'll find this book very helpful..


I've raised many a baby bird successfully to adulthood and they all transitioned to the wild; it can be done.
also baby birds are different from chickens. they need you to feed them by a tube. there is someone on here who did it but it was nutz. they had to get up every couple of hours to do so. i would youtube baby birds incubated or something to find out how to do it. chickens will feed themselves when born & get water. they also walk around and stuff, birds don't!!!

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