Urgent! Should I help?


5 Years
Feb 18, 2019
Central Washington State
Hey there! I’m brooding eggs under a hen for the first time, and it’s been really successful so far, apart from the fact that these chicks are hatching in the 23-25 day range.

My 5th one is ready to hatch, it pipped internally yesterday, and today I could hear it peeping any rattling around in the shell… but no external pip yet! Should I help get it started?? Let me know please!
No need to help! Unless he has not externally pipped 24 hours after internally piping he shouldn't need assistance. Good luck with the hatch!
Thank you!! I initially had 6 under her, and this will be number 5 of 6! With candling, the last one looks like it’s still a day or two out, but when I tapped the shell, I saw obvious chick wiggling. So we might go 6 for 6! I also had 3 in my incubator on day 17 that are all still viable, but the power went out today so I stuck those under her too. She’s sitting like a champ, and a very sweet, docile, determined mama bird. Hoping to finish the other 3 under her, but keeping the incubator running just in case she decides she’s done sitting 😂
Sitting on my couch saying Yes, Yes, Yes. Then I read @SilverBirds reply and I'm like No, No, No.
Not even my Chicks but I hope they can feel me cheering them on.
Good Luck!

Thank you!! If it hasn’t hatched by tomorrow morning, I will help. I’m not 100% sure if it pipped internally last night or this morning, so I’m going with when I knew for certain(this morning, with the wiggles and chirps). Last night it may not have pipped all the way
Hopefully he hatches okay and you don't need to assist! Here is an article just incase you do though. Article 'Guide to Assisted Hatching for All Poultry'

Thank you! I hope so too. I told myself I would never intervene, I believe nature should run it’s course… natural selection and all that. But now that there’s a LIVE chick tapping around and chirping, I don’t think I can bring myself to let it die in there 😂😭❤️

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