
In the Brooder
Jun 5, 2019
Please see attached video I uploaded to youtube in order to look for help!!!

Link for anyone who can't see it here:

Please read the following with the video, help and advice would be much appreciated, and also for awareness:

I arrived today to see how the quails are doing and saw this isolated quail in it's own cage (with no one else, as can be seen). It seemed to lie on the floor of the cage when suddenly it started having this kind of strange seizure dance and head wobbles.
It ran across the cage, puffed up sometimes, eyes completely open and banged its head back and forth. It didn't make any sounds, I have been observing it approximately 30 - 45 minutes and I didn't see it being aware of surroundings, of water or food, I didn't see it drinking at all. It was just spinning, running backwards and hitting walls and suddenly collapsing for a few minutes (between 1-5 minutes), and then started it all over again. it seems he is resting when he collapses and breathes very heavily.

Basically, I would describe it as a SICK crazy quail having a strange seizure which resembles some sort of mental illness if comparing to people.

Important mentions:
I live in a very hot climate country, I can safely say that in the past two or three days was approximately 39 degrees Celsius (102.2F) or even more, during the day's hottest hours.

* The sniffing in the background is coming from me while I'm filming.

* Sounds of any other birds \ chickens are heard from other animals, not the one in the video.

Does anyone have any insight? some information? has anyone ever seen this kind of behavior before?
Thank you!
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looks like wry neck
Unfortunately we have another quail with wry neck and they seem to function better than this one. This one seems like he has some sirt of neurological illness. It doesn't seem to understand anything around it. It doesn't understand food, water, sorroundings, space..
What exactly do you feed this bird on a daily basis?
I know they receive "combi corn" which is food especially for chickens / quail. They also give them chopped boiled eggs sometimes, they love grated carrot, sometimes cut grass small so they can eat it.
We have had many quails in the past few years, and this is the first time I see this behaviour. I can only persume he will die.
We bought the last ones all recently from somebody, so maybe they weren't hatched healthy, or at least this one, or was sick from the start? Is this a sickness at all?

Also, it was spotted ok in the cage with the other ones but the only strange thing was that everyone else was pecking her head, as if they knew she was infected with something. That's when she was spotted as coming down with something and removed to an isolated cage. When I arrived I saw what I filmed and wrote.
Are you in the US?

Can you take a picture of this feed bag's tag?

Pecking to the head can cause serious damage but you say you have another with wry neck too so the first place to look is at what you are feeding them. Too many treats could be taking away from them getting a balanced diet.
Are you in the US?

Can you take a picture of this feed bag's tag?

Pecking to the head can cause serious damage but you say you have another with wry neck too so the first place to look is at what you are feeding them. Too many treats could be taking away from them getting a balanced diet.
I'm not from the US, I will send the bag picture shortly if I find it.
I do believe they were bought this way, because we never had this behavior before in the past quails (with those we even incubated by ourselves).

By treats do you mean the eggs and carrots?

Edit: The quail died somewhere in the last 24 hours (unfortunately I'm not at home at this time), but I do believe he had no way of being saved. It looked like something attacked his brain nerves.

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