Using leftovers from a local mill as chicken feed or scratch?


11 Years
Aug 26, 2008
Lexington, Kentucky
I found out that a local mill sometimes has screenings for sale for cheap. The screenings are left over from the milling process for grains. The mill has all kinds of grains. On the phone they said it was a mix of hulls, dust, and whatever particles are too small to meet guidelines for food grade.

I've tried to google but I can't find much info. Would this be suitable for chickens to eat, either (mixed for proper ratios regarding protein etc.) or as scratch? Any ideas?
Be careful with screenings as they might contain things you don't want like dirt, rocks, etc. Another thing to watch for is that screenings are notorious for containing high amounts of molds and mycotoxins. If the mill is conscientious and uses high quality ingredients the screenings might be a great buy. Just be careful that you don't dilute their nutrition too much.

That's kind of what I was wondering--how do you tell? It's a high quality mill that's popular in my area. They sell grains at the local health food store.
Maybe I just won't buy it, it seems too confusing to figure out! Right now my chickens eat 18% broiler mash from the local feed store and I add in oyster shell. This has them way healthier than when I bought prepackaged feed like Purina.

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