using syringe to drain slow/sour crop?


Sep 20, 2019
i have a chick with slow or sour crop (info in previous post if anyone is curious) she’s had it for three days and i’ve tried massaging, took her outside for an hour to isolate her from food and water and get her some grit, etc. all the usual treatments (except forced regurgitation) and nothing’s helping. she’s active and pooping normally (though not as often as a normal chick) but her crop is huge, and gurgles occasionally. she also twitches her neck occasionally. it’s so big it has a bald spot on one side. would it help to use a very small gauge needle and syringe to drain some of the contents?
You aren't talking about piercing the exterior of the crop, are you? That isn't going to accomplish anything. Even if you were to put a catheter down her esophagus and suck out the fluid with a syringe, it won't cure the crop infection.

You didn't mention if you've tried an anti-yeast med to kill the yeast in the crop. That's the treatment if you want the yeast infection to clear up.

Read through this and verify which crop disorder your hen has. Then you can select the treatment for the particular disorder.
Gotta treat the yeast. It takes a while, but it's not difficult. Read the article azygous posted. It will help!!

And I second stopping the massaging. I just picked up a hen whose crop was full and accidentally caused her to aspirate. She died because of it (she was quite old and dealing with an illness).

Good luck and keep us posted!
You aren't talking about piercing the exterior of the crop, are you? That isn't going to accomplish anything. Even if you were to put a catheter down her esophagus and suck out the fluid with a syringe, it won't cure the crop infection.

You didn't mention if you've tried an anti-yeast med to kill the yeast in the crop. That's the treatment if you want the yeast infection to clear up.

Read through this and verify which crop disorder your hen has. Then you can select the treatment for the particular disorder.
thank you so much! i’ve been googling everything i can think the last few days but nothing i saw mentioned a specific medication (my vet doesn’t take baby chicks so i couldn’t take her in to get a prescription)
hold food and water for a day and give warm mineral oil once a hour, it will help empty the crop. how have you been treating?
i haven’t been doing any specific regimen, i tried all the things i could find online (unless they sounded dangerous like the forced vomiting) i’m afraid i only have olive oil atm, would that work?
Gotta treat the yeast. It takes a while, but it's not difficult. Read the article azygous posted. It will help!!

And I second stopping the massaging. I just picked up a hen whose crop was full and accidentally caused her to aspirate. She died because of it (she was quite old and dealing with an illness).

Good luck and keep us posted!
thank you! so sorry to hear about your old girl :( i massaged it a wee bit the first day but stopped after that.

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