
It seems like when you're a brand new member, you can't post pictures yet. I'm not sure though. If you look across the top of the reply box, towards the right side, you see a small square with a house in it. To the right of it, there's something that looks like film. If you click the square with the house/sun in it, that should let you upload a photo. If you don't see that, post a few more times and I bet it will appear.

Cynthia, I can't wait to see how your welsummer babies turn out. Your sizzle is darling. It's fun to see them and compare. Since you asked so nicely, here's mine. My daughter originally named her Lucy, but today asked if we could change her name to Isabella. So, whatever her name is.

And from the top down, her (
) chipmunk stripes are sure apparent.

How old are these guys now? I wish we knew if they were boys or girls.

LOl..did I not ask nicely? Had to go back and see. It was thought out like this... Sphinx, you will have to post pictures of yours soon...

Yours is the same color as mine..mine still has that chipmunk stripe as well. I'm a fraid we won't know for a couple of months if they are boy or girl.
They take a while like Polish. Don't worry too much if yours starts to look as though it is getting that male walnut comb. My white Silkie started getting bumps early, and I just thought, oh shoot..it's a boy..but, she's not. She has more bumps than my blue splash. Like I said, it's a waiting game with these like the Polish.

Hector...the flying, crazy go lucky Polish!! Call her flurry! Or blurry! lol... she sound funny. Did you trim her wings? She sure figured a way out of that area real quick that day! Smart little Miss. I hope you can get pictures of her. And, glad that Cleo is laying..she sure lays pretty eggs.
Does anyone know were to buy a thermo cube Tc-3 in the Utah or Salt lake county area? I use the cookie tin method to keep my waters from freezing and was not aware of these cool little plugs. I am looking for the one with 2 plugs since i have 2 watering cans that i need to keep from freezing. It takes a lot of power to keep the lights running 24/7.
Cynthia, you asked very nicely- you expressed even the most vague desire to see one of my chickens. That's very, very nicely to me. LOL Honestly, I'm more excited about the silkie and the frizzle. Don't get me wrong, I want all of them to be girls, but it's the other two I'm really hoping with be hens. The silkie seems to be especially nurturing, so I'm hoping that means it'll end up being a great broody for me.

I wish you had a hatch cam so I could watch your wellies hatch.

Chiko, no, I don't know your teacher. Congrats to her on completing the Tough Mudder. I get the impression quite a few people weren't able to finish. In our team, we had two people who ended up skipping the last three obstacles. The one guy COULD'VE finished, but he was supporting his girlfriend. His girlfriend, however, was done done done.

This Saturday, I'm doing the undead run in Sandy. I get all dressed up like a zombie and run a 5k. I did it last year and had a blast. This year, it'll be after dark, which is a little disconcerting, but I think it'll be a lot of fun.
I cant get to a computer to post on this thread but ive put a pic of him in my photos under album rooster. Hes the lone one in the weeds. Do u know what he is?
Sundance, where is it u got those eggs that hatched my sweet little ones? Im wondering what colors they are breeding... Any lavendar or porcelain? Anyways if u know id appreciate the info

I had a breeder in Califvornia send them to me/ Really sweet lady. She sent me all colors she had no Lavs or Porcelin
I had a very interesting phone call today. A photographer called and asked if he could rent some chicks for photo shoot. After I thought about it I told him he could rent 3 chicks for $20.00 each. when they are returned. I'll refund $25.00 Hes going to come get them on Saturday
Does anyone know were to buy a thermo cube Tc-3 in the Utah or Salt lake county area? I use the cookie tin method to keep my waters from freezing and was not aware of these cool little plugs. I am looking for the one with 2 plugs since i have 2 watering cans that i need to keep from freezing. It takes a lot of power to keep the lights running 24/7.
i have seen them at home depot and i think cal ranch too. but for sure i have seen them at home depot
Cynthia, you asked very nicely- you expressed even the most vague desire to see one of my chickens. That's very, very nicely to me. LOL Honestly, I'm more excited about the silkie and the frizzle. Don't get me wrong, I want all of them to be girls, but it's the other two I'm really hoping with be hens. The silkie seems to be especially nurturing, so I'm hoping that means it'll end up being a great broody for me.

I wish you had a hatch cam so I could watch your wellies hatch.

Chiko, no, I don't know your teacher. Congrats to her on completing the Tough Mudder. I get the impression quite a few people weren't able to finish. In our team, we had two people who ended up skipping the last three obstacles. The one guy COULD'VE finished, but he was supporting his girlfriend. His girlfriend, however, was done done done.

This Saturday, I'm doing the undead run in Sandy. I get all dressed up like a zombie and run a 5k. I did it last year and had a blast. This year, it'll be after dark, which is a little disconcerting, but I think it'll be a lot of fun.
Me too! On the web cam. That would be fun. No sleep tonight!

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