
Hey Lisa, I am getting some NN eggs for the Easter Hatch A Long. Wish I could get a nice small boy that wouldn't crow..much.
We are going to be building a new coop to house our current 5 hen flock and add in 4 more hens (once they are ready to be together of course).
What are your favorite ways to weather proof your coops here in Utah? Any coop plans that you love and are fairly simple that will house 8-10 chickens?
We aren't fancy, yet. My husband says he is going to build a roof over the run! We have a nice coop he built, with windows on each side. I keep them closed during winter of course, and I keep the door closed during winter, most of the time. When it's in single digits. Right now, we have chicken wire over the run, and tarp over that for the winter. I am not sure why I feel this way, but I do.. :) :) I feel like straw is more warm in the coop and the nest boxes. So, I use that instead of the shavings that I do use in the summer. Hmm, not sure I helped any here. :/

That straight out coop, has a board on top. The main coop is right beside my husband. There is a green tin roof on top of it. I have some blue tarp going down the side to keep the snow from going in there..I walk there. The grey tarp is over the run. My husband wants to put tin roof over the whole run..where the grey tarp is. Not sure I need that.
My husband is not enjoying the snow as much as our Golden. :)
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Ok, going to go ahead and post this here. I got my broody girl some babies from the feed store. She didn't accept them. So, I've had them a while. They will start laying a whole month earlier..at least, before the ones that are in the feed stores today. So, buy my girls, not theirs, if you are close by. :D
Sale, only 5 dollars each! Now that's a deal..lol

Hello! I am new from Woods Cross. I have been following BYC for a little and learned a bit.

Just got an application from the city, and it says 10 hens! We probably would just raise 4 or so to fill our taste for eggs.

My wife is a bit concerned about the communicable disease, etc., and I wonder if people have knowledge of how often those come around, and should be a real concern?

Thanks everyone!

Not so much worry here in Spanish Fork area. Keep others away from your chickens, that have chickens also. That's my best kept . . ahem..secret. Most people know this. Also, don't go into someone's elses coop/run. :) You can carry some things home to your chickens..that may not be good for them.

  Not so much worry here in Spanish Fork area.   Keep others away from your chickens, that have chickens also.  That's my best kept . . ahem..secret.  Most people know this.  Also, don't go into someone's elses coop/run.   :)   You can carry some things home to your chickens..that may not be good for them.  

I agree. Keep others at a polite viewing distance of your setup and give them the same respect. It's not mean, just a precaution. I love to see the birds others have, but am never offended if I have to stand back a ways to see them.

Oh, and haven't had too many problems in Tooele that I know of. Welcome! :)
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