Vacation and duck


May 15, 2022
I have one lone female pekin ducks. We originally had 3 and raised them as pets but sadly 2 have died. She's been alone since (about a 1.5 year) and she's almost 3.

She no longer lays eggs either. About a year ago, she developed a big belly, and the vet took a sample, tested it and diagnosed her with egg yolk peritonitis. I honestly was not expecting her to live much longer but she was drained, we've done a few rounds of antibiotics and I give her drops of oil of oregano daily. Her belly is no longer growing (although it's still big) and she's still standing strong!

Well, we are going on vacation for 6 days next month and I don't have options for care. Her vet charges about 1,000$ and we can't afford that. I don't know anyone that has ducks that could care for her. And there are no experienced sitters in my area - and we need experience because she can't go into the coop by herself due to the belly. I pick her up and put her in there every night. She's very sweet and friendly, and loves to be pet.

Her coop is set up with lots of technology. We have 2 automatic feeders with cameras, a set up that constantly provides fresh water, fans and screened windows in the coop. We also have a camera that sees the entire coop.... and a big mirror inside, which helps her not be lonely.

It's all remotely controlled as well. So I know we can go for a week and she could stay in her coop (it's pretty big) and have access to fresh food and water.

However I'm concerned about her getting lonely. 😔

Ever since her sisters died, she's been alone. But she gets out of the coop into the yard pretty much every day (she starts quacking if I take too long to let her out), gets pet, has some interaction with me and the dog, is out in the yard all day .... and at the end of the day when I put her in I give her a little bit of people food as a topper with her oil of oregano drops.

Bottom line is that I know she'd be safe, and have access to fresh feed and water. But I'm concerned about get feeling abandoned, lonely or depressed.

Can she die of loneliness in 6 days?
Anyone has experience with something similar?
Have you tried asking on local facebok chicken groups?
Whe I had to go for hospital a few days, I posted on a facebook chicken group for my county area, and I had several responses.
No way I would not leave her alone like that I would even try to take her with me if nothing else <3 Yes I have heard of ducks and other poultry dying from broken heart and being lonely. Just like people, our state of mind affects our health. Only I think its even worse for ducks.
If you have to leave her, get her a mirror so she can have a mirror friend.

Is there no possibility of taking her with you?

I had a special needs Pekin drake that I took everywhere, except overseas in 2023. I took him in a pet carrier and also took a folding dog pen for a temporary run. I had a deep tote that I took his medications, puppy pads, duck pellets, treats, feeding and water tubs. The tote was his swimming pool while traveling. We stayed in Motels or occasionally sleeping in my truck. He was fine. On long drives, I stopped every 2 hours to give him water and food. No problems at all until I went overseas for 2 weeks. He died unexpectedly while in the care of an expert [my friend is a wildlife rehabber, and she had him in her house with her]. I have to assume that was coincidence that he died when I was not there. My friend held him in her arms for his last hour after a strange event that began his passing.

I strongly recommend that if you can take your duck with you, do so
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She has a huge mirror in the yard and another one in the coop. Taking her with me is not an option, we are flying overseas.

We never got another duck because the vet pretty much told us about a year ago that she had egg yolk peritonitis and would probably not live much longer. But she's defying the odds.... 💪🏻

I'll look into some of the options suggested. Thank you.
Please post a picture of the oregano oil that you use. My duck was just diagnosed with water belly. How much do you use at one time? I hope your baby is still doing well. Your duck is giving me hope.
Please post a picture of the oregano oil that you use. My duck was just diagnosed with water belly. How much do you use at one time? I hope your baby is still doing well. Your duck is giving me hope.

I use dried oregano in my flock feed I have a Runner with water belly and she has been this way going on 3 yrs and hasn't gotten any worse. Still runs with the flock. But you can buy oil of oregano.

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