Vanilla Extract Question... ANYONE???


10 Years
Jun 1, 2009
Douglas, GA
Ok ladies.. Hopefully this question isnt going to be to confusing.. LOL

Ok,, Lets say I wanted to make a large batch of vanilla extract. A standard recipe calls for 6 vanilla beans to 2 cups of vodka. It also says that the beans can be topped off with more vodka whenever the supply runs low.. Here is where my question comes in..
Can you make a larger batch and just let it steep longer?
Say I have 10 vanilla beans. If I let it sit in 1 gallon of vodka for 6 months to a year, wouldnt it essentially be the same thing?
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That's some serious vanilla extract.

I would have to disagree (sorry). Sort of like tea. If you let it steep longer is it better? Also the ratio of beans to vodka seems really off. Maybe if you're using way more vanilla beans you could use a gallon. I tried putting a vanilla bean in a bottle of vanilla once just to make it taste more natural.... I wound up throwing it away because it tasted off.

That's just my opinion.

Have fun baking!!!
I've never done it, so keep that in mind. Having said that, I'd think it would be very weak if you did it that way. I'd also think that topping off a 'regular' recipe over and over would result in weaker batches each time, too, though. A gallon is 16 cups, so you'd (I'd think) need WAY more than 10....just a pure conversion of that recipe would say 48 vanilla beans. You could maybe stretch 10 beans out for a quart with extra steeping time.
Mmm! Vodka and vanilla bean!
I'd have about a tablespoon and be on the floor!
That seems pretty weak to me. When my mom and I made it we used 3 beans to a 4oz bottle of vodka. I have topped some of mine off a few times, I just rotate which bottle I used so the topped off one can sit for a bit.
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I add vodka to my homemade vanilla when I use about 1/4 of the bottle. I keep it in the back of my shelf so light doesn't get to it. It tastes yummy. I don't use it on a daily basis so it has plenty of time to "age". I am planning on making some homemade brandy soon.
I have a recipe that an old friend gave me several years ago - you take 2 vanilla beans and slice them a couple of times lengthwise. Add them to a 5th of Vodka and put it in a cool dark place. Her advice to me was to put the date on the vodka label. Every once in a while shake the bottle. You have to wait 6 months. This method takes quite awhile - but is definately worth the wait. It is just as good as the high end vanilla that you buy at the store...and so much cheaper!!!

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