Various Oriental's weapons


10 Years
Mar 30, 2009
the South
I've not been on here in about 4 months. Thought these pictures might be enjoyable to see for those not familar with Orientals.

Note that first post:

Generally speaking Asils should have spurs that are basically straigh. If you see very curved spurs then that usually means there is alien (Bankivoid) blood.

You will notice that this cocks spurs are:

Blunt (which is normal)
1/2" in diameter
1 3/4" long

By the way, his feet are 4" in length. I'll post that picture too.
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Note the second post:

Cubalayas come with multiple, single and no spurs; the multiples are prefered by the Standard; multiple and no spurs are prefered by breeders.
I couldn't do the ruler thing, but I can tell you that this bird's spurs are every bit of a half inch in diameter. You can see the relation to my fingers, keeping in mind that I am a big guy, and have some big meat hooks on me. lol This is on a 9.5 lb Thai cock, and trust me when I'm telling you that you don't want to be other the other end of this bird if he had the inclination to shuffle you.

Again, I think it is important to note just how straight those weapons are going to be on cuda's young male. What is also noticeable is the 'square-ish' shanks on this bird. This is a very desirable trait.

These pictures and comments are being posted for those interested in these Ancient Breeds of fowl. They are easy to handle and make excellent show birds. They are also generally very affectionate to their owners.
The thread is focusing on the feet and natural weapons of these birds because these traits are very important in these breeds. Many Americans (and others) pay very little attention to the feet of the bird (unless deformed of course). Not so the Oriental. He is a different creature entirely.

In exhibiting these birds: you better get those feet and legs right!
Saladin, that bird isn't young by any means, he's 4 years old. The line of Thai I have are super slow to spur up. I doubt they will ever get much longer than they already are.

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