vent gleet


9 Years
Jun 28, 2010
North Florida
Have a banty hen that I thought was going broody. Turns out she had an egg she could not lay. I finally helped her by grabbing the egg from behind and working the vent around the egg (after a bath soak and some oiling). At the time I didn't think the egg was all that big really. Now, several days later, she has vent gleet. Which caused which?

Also I am on day two of treatment. Her rear was no longer wet and drippy this evening. I assume that is a sign things are improving? Has anyone any positive experience with this?
Thank you so much! Most of what I had read here was not a good end or no results posted so this was helpful. I will take the time tonight to read through all of this info. I too like epsom salts for everything!

took your advice. Im going to try the epsom salts in their water and try to catch the worse off tonight and dose them. Im going to dose Chester the molester as well as I think he is the one passing it around.
Ill let you know how it goes.
I think Ill keep up with the apple cider vinegar tho. It has so many other benefits. What do you think?
ACV changes the pH in the intestinal tract. I'm not sure I'd want to feed it continuously. As a tonic, though, it's very helpful. (There's a lot of ACV boosters who would disagree with me!)
thank you so much for your blog! It was exactly what I needed to know. My poor "rescue" girls will all get treated first thing in the morning!

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