very fragile or non-existent shells


In the Brooder
Aug 27, 2023
North Central FL
I have six hens who have been laying for a year. I keep layer pellets available for them, but they free range across about 3500 sq ft yard. My calico princess has always laid huge eggs with relatively fragile shells. Recently, however, the shells have become extremely fragile, or even nonexistent. None of the other hens have this problem; their shells are all very solid. over the last few weeks, I have found many empty, paper-thin shells in a variety of places in or around the hen house. Yesterday, i collected a very large, relatively normal egg from her, but today this was her product. (see pic) No shell, no yolk, just membrane and viscous "white." Later, I found her sitting on another nest where a different hen has been raising chicks.


  • 2023 Oct Calico egg prob.jpg
    2023 Oct Calico egg prob.jpg
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maybe a bit less active ?? As they free range, and eat from a common feeder, I am unable to tell how much she is eating or about her poop. I will try isolating her today. What are your suggestions?
Are all of the other hens laying good quality eggs? If it's only this one hen, targeted calcium therapy would be what I would suggest. Get some calcium citrate with D3 at your vitamin aisle, the same as women take for stronger bones. Give this hen one whole tablet each day directly into the beak for this next week. She will swallow easily. If the egg shells aren't solid by the end of the week, continue the calcium until the shells are just beginning to be peppered with calcium "warts".
Are all of the other hens laying good quality eggs? If it's only this one hen, targeted calcium therapy would be what I would suggest. Get some calcium citrate with D3 at your vitamin aisle, the same as women take for stronger bones. Give this hen one whole tablet each day directly into the beak for this next week. She will swallow easily. If the egg shells aren't solid by the end of the week, continue the calcium until the shells are just beginning to be peppered with calcium "warts".
thank you

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