Very runny poop and some kind of red mass/discharge


7 Years
Feb 23, 2017
We noticed one of our red sex link hens had a very wet, poopy butt, it looked like it was dripping. When we picked her up, there was a red, spongy mass protruding from her rear end. She didn't seem to be behaving differently than normal, or any differently than our other two hens. All three are at least a year old, one of them is about two years old, but we can't tell them apart, so we're not sure which one this is. We didn't notice anything strange about her earlier today or yesterday. She appears to be eating and drinking normally. We washed the area with warm water, but aren't sure what to do next. We're pretty new to the whole chicken keeping thing and would really appreciate any help. Thanks.
We noticed one of our red sex link hens had a very wet, poopy butt, it looked like it was dripping. When we picked her up, there was a red, spongy mass protruding from her rear end. She didn't seem to be behaving differently than normal, or any differently than our other two hens. All three are at least a year old, one of them is about two years old, but we can't tell them apart, so we're not sure which one this is. We didn't notice anything strange about her earlier today or yesterday. She appears to be eating and drinking normally. We washed the area with warm water, but aren't sure what to do next. We're pretty new to the whole chicken keeping thing and would really appreciate any help. Thanks.
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I don't know much but I found a similar case , check the link ... And all the continued pages ...
Good link with info and treatment advice:
Keep the prolapse moist until you can get it to stay in, if it dries out it will become necrotic. Applying honey (manuka is best) may help get swelling down and keep it moist also. Keep her separated in a dark room to help her body not want to lay while she heals.

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