Very sick chicken any advice please; EYP at home treatment


Jul 30, 2020
My lovely 4 year old ex battery hen has become really unwell over the last 48 hours, unfortunately due to new year and a bank holiday I can’t get to my vet until Tuesday at the earliest. Can anybody offer any advice as to what could be wrong and also how to make sure she is not in pain.

Edith has had a history for the last two years of impacted crop. I’ve usually been able to treat this with the normal withholding food, massage etc.

In summer it would not clear so she went to the vets. The vets kept her in and gave her a drug to clear the crop which worked. However she ended up loosing her sight (this is apparently a known reaction to this drug in cats). I wasn’t sure if it was fair to keep her going but she seemed to recover well and was happy, she worked out where her food and water was. Two months ago we had crop issues again. Vet diagnosed pendulous crop, she had some probiotics and a crop bra and has been fine ever since.

Last week I felt her abdomen was slightly distended, again I took her to the vet (I took her to 2 vets for a second opinion) they both felt her abdomen was fine and there were no signs of EYP. I however felt her tummy was not quite right so she had the hormonal injection Chorulon and is booked for the implant in two weeks.

Two days ago I noticed her crop felt doughy it was soft and like kneading bread. I have brought her inside and have given her lactulose and olive oil. Today the crop was the same but I noticed her abdomen was also pretty hard below the vent. I’ve felt for an egg but couldn’t feel anything, bathed her with Epsom salts but she’s puffed up.

Im adamant she has EYP but could she also have a blockage ? She is popping it’s mainly white with a bit or brown in it. I’ve got metacam and Baytril at home should I use these or not ? I know she may need to be PTS but can’t bear the thought of her being in pain. Can I do anything to help her ?

I’m a bit worried she may have a blockage as I recently had a hen with EYP put to sleep on her post mortam it was found she had adhesions and inflammation from EYP hence the crop issues. On the other side I had a Hen with exact same issues who has been on a 14 day course of steroids and antibiotics and touch wood has improved.

Im not sure what to do but just don’t want my lovely girl to be uncomfortable or in pain 😥any advice would be so appreciated
:hugs I'm sorry she's not doing well.
Hard to know what's ailing her, but with her being an Ex Batt, then likely reproductive problems. EYP, cancer, tumors, etc. can be common. These conditions can cause other symptoms as you have mentioned. I've found that crop symptoms most of the time arise when a hen has a reproductive problem. Inflammation, fluid and/or material in the abdomen can cause the system to slow down.

The supportive measures you take may help prolong life for a while. If that's what happens and she seems happy within herself then good. Sometimes no matter what we do, the condition is too advanced for the hen to overcome it, even for a short period of time.

Hopefully your vet can see her and will be able to help you make the decision that is right for her.

Keep us posted.
:hugs I'm sorry she's not doing well.
Hard to know what's ailing her, but with her being an Ex Batt, then likely reproductive problems. EYP, cancer, tumors, etc. can be common. These conditions can cause other symptoms as you have mentioned. I've found that crop symptoms most of the time arise when a hen has a reproductive problem. Inflammation, fluid and/or material in the abdomen can cause the system to slow down.

The supportive measures you take may help prolong life for a while. If that's what happens and she seems happy within herself then good. Sometimes no matter what we do, the condition is too advanced for the hen to overcome it, even for a short period of time.

Hopefully your vet can see her and will be able to help you make the decision that is right for her.

Keep us posted.
Thank you so much for your reply. I took her to an emergency vets today who was not a chicken expert but had dealt with them. Her crop has significantly emptied but she was much worse in herself. They x rayed and have said she doesn’t have an egg stuck nor any signs of tumour they also were not able to drain her. They think she has a very bad infection so she’s had a big dose of antibiotics. I’m a bit worried she’s not going to make it through the night they said they gave her some anaesthetic to x ray and she’s not woken up since she’s just asleep and opens her eyes briefly. I’m not sure how long hens take to come round from anaesthetics but not hopeful she’ll still be here in the morning 😢
Oh no, I'm sorry that she's not coming around. Hopefully she will perk up once she's settled back at home and warm.
Will she take drops of warmed sugar water if you put a drop or two in her beak or is she just out of it?
My understanding is chickens don't do very well with anesthetics, it's very hard on them and sometimes they don't make it.
Wishing the antibiotics do help and she does better for a while.

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