Very skinny hen


In the Brooder
Feb 21, 2024
Help! I have a hen who is very weak and skinny. She wont get up and sleeps most of the day. I suspect she have had a infection bothering her for quite sometime . :( I cant afford to take her to the vet, there are none that check chickens. I have been giving her poultry cell, plain youghurt, harrison’s recovery formula and egg yolk. I havent seen any improvements yet. Has anyone experienced this, her vent is also very dirty, but its freezing here in Norway and i dont want to take a huge risk bathing her when she is not feeling well. Please help :( what can i do? I have isolated her from the flock.
How old is she, and has she laid eggs recently? Poop pictures and a picture of the hen might help. Is there any swelling or enlargement of her lower abdomen between her legs? How does her crop feel, and does it empty by early morning? Reproductive infections or disorders are common, and cancer is as well in hens over 2 years. A crop disorder could also prevent her from getting enough to eat. Is she eating a balanced chicken feed?
How old is she? Any external parasites like mites or fleas. Have you wormed her recently? Any blood in her stool?
Do you have access to live bugs (superworms/mealworms/crickets ect) either online or pet store? That usually sparks their appetite. If not try some clean raw beef or bison. Has she ever laid a lash egg or weird looking egg like shell less or rough shelled? If shes had a reproductive infection like Salpingitis for some time then antibiotics probably wont help this late in the stages but might not hurt to try.
She is about 4 i think, her abdomen is not swollen. Her poop is liquid, i havent seen any blood or any mites or lice. She havent laid in a year or so. :( i am very worried about her.
Sounds a bit like a reproductive infection. I have a 2 yr old smaller hen who stopped laying last year as well. Found a few lash eggs from her so I know whats going on. Shes skinny but still doing fairly well. Shes a very picky eater and wont hardly touch the chicken feed which is fine since she dont need all that extra calcium. If I didn't feed her extra she'd probably have starved to death by now. I give her raw and cooked meats, live bugs, fresh fruits and veggies. When she has bad days the live bugs and extra love always does the trick.

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