Very unwell Bantam Hen


In the Brooder
Jul 14, 2020
Hi everyone.

I'm really devastated because one of my old hens who I've had for 3 years has deteriorated rapidly. I have no idea what it is. It's a long story as to why I have her but I essentially took her in and brought her back to health when she was refusing to eat or drink after all her eggs died. She's approximately 6 years old.

I started to see my hen change during moulting season 2 months ago. She lost her appetite and was sitting around a lot. I didn't think much of it then. Then, things went downhill quickly. She started collapsing everywhere and was standing for long periods of time in a corner without eating. She still drank on her own.

A week later, she developed a neck deformity that looked like wry neck. I assumed this to be because of a vitamin e deficiency so I started to give her 2 to 3 100i.u. tablets a day. She couldn't eat or drink at this point so me and my mother have been hand feeding her mushed up layer pellets with water, Brazil nuts for selenium and sunflower seeds for vitamin e (all powdered and mixed with water).

We have also been giving poultry drops which have not helped. She sleeps all the time. Now she can't even stand on her own. Her legs have no strength in them whatsoever. She has lost so much weight and hasn't made a noise in about a month. It's so confusing because she seems a bit more alert and her wry neck is improving but her legs have worsened. She can't even walk one step without collapsing.

This is my first time having a hen and I know she's old but I'm so gutted if she is nearing her end. She has become like a family member to me. Any advice on what this is and what I can do would be greatly appreciated.

Thank you.
She might be on the verge of dying due to old age. I have 2 bantam hens that'll be turning 6 next year. All you can do is make her as comfortable as possible.
Thanks for your reply. Yes I have been making her as comfortable as she can be. It's painful on my part to watch her deteriorate but she looks so peaceful which I'm relieved about. This was my hen during her better days. Have a great day!


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When did you last deworm her? Did you check her and the coop for lice and poultry mites? When molting, parasites affect chickens far more than they would without the molting stress.

Feel her crop: does it feel hard or rather squishy?

I do not know where you live, so in case it is cold, take her inside and offer some Moro's carrot soup
Scrambled eggs with oatmeal, brewers yeast and millet would help her to regain strength.

6 years is not really old for a bantam.
I dewormed her around 5 months ago. She has no mites and her coop is regularly cleaned. She is receiving a lot of love and care on her favourite sofa spot in my house (much warmer than outside).

Her crop fills and empties normally and her faeces look very healthy. She does breathe heavily from time to time. She also won't eat or drink unless I pipette it into her. If I wasn't hand feeding her, her crop would be empty all the time (she would most likely have died by now from her serious fatigue to do anything including eating).

Thanks so much for all your advice. I have just started hand feeding her scrambled egg and will endeavour to purchase the rest of those items.
I hope she recovers so you will be able to spend more time enjoying each others company.

She does breathe heavily from time to time.

This could hint to a respiratory issue or some kind of heart disease.

Do you hear a gurgling or wheezing sound when she inhales or exhales?

Can you feel her abdomen underneath the vent area, does it feel like a waterfilled balloon?
She does make a wheeze sound but this is when her neck is stuck in her wry neck position. It goes once I move it for her. I didn't feel a water balloon. She last laid eggs back in February and March.

She is completely paralysed in her legs. It's really hard to watch because she really wants to stand up but she can't.

She's still sleeping at least 22hrs a day (she is hardly awake). Honestly, I think she's deteriorating but in a peaceful way.

Me and mother have decided to let her go but the moment she shows suffering, we will have her put down.

I am going to stop feeding her food on Monday and carry on giving her water because I'd hate to die thirsty. There will be food available if she wants it. She's showing no sign of improvement and it has been one month. I feel like I've been artificially keeping her alive at the moment because of my strong attachment to her which needs to stop.

Thank you for all the advice and I wish you well.
Me and mother have decided to let her go but the moment she shows suffering, we will have her put down.

That might be just the best thing to do. Sometimes there is nothing else one can do to save them. I hope she will pass peacefully.

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