Vet Wrap


8 Years
Jul 12, 2011
My leghorn has bumblefoot from what I can tell and I was going to get it out today but I don't have any Vet Wrap. I do have an ace bandage. Anyone know of a good alternative to the vet wrap?
They sell the ace bandage version of vet wrap at the pharmacy, it's sticky and stretchable self adhearing, it works great I keep some in my first aid kit at the job site for stopping serious bleeding accidents, along with duck tape of course LOL. So just take a peek I am sure you will find it.
Dawg you shoulda been a vet!
Ok, well, the surgery is now complete. Their feet bleed alot more than I thought. I hope I was able to remove everything. I got what I think is the core and tried to bleed it out. I also tried going from the top where the swelling but didn't get anything but blood. We put some neosporin on it and proceeded to try and close it. I thought about using Super Glue to close the incision but my dw told me the it might still need to be opened or something so we went with the ducktape idea. I don't know how well that is going to work but I will keep an eye on it. I went from surgeon to wet nurse in the middle of the procedure though since my 1 1/2 year old decided to wake up with what I figured was a soiled diaper.
Will check on the leg throughout tomorrow and the next day. How long do I keep it wrapped?

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