Do you walk or run!?

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Chicken Fan Club President
Premium Feather Member
16 Years
Jan 18, 2008
SE Massachusetts
I made a hiking one but I wanted to make one specifically for walking and running cause it’s slightly different and I currently walk a lot more than I hike.

Which still isn’t much but better than nothing.

And it’s starting to be more lately.

Yesterday I walked a lot because I went to an aquarium then the grocery store and then on the marsh with the dog.

Also the dog and I both need to lose weight so we’re going to start walking for weight loss soon aka speed walking and not doing sniffaris where he sniffs things. Well, we'll probably still do those occasionally but not as often. We need to move not be stopping every 5 seconds 🤣


Do you walk or run!?!?!?!?

I don’t run. Sorry. I hate running. But feel free to talk about it. 🤣🤣🤣

@casportpony you are still welcome to post on the other thread but I just figured I’d make a dedicated walking one lol
I calculated it and turns out one loop Brew and I walk is about .5 miles and one (the big one) is only about .7 miles. I thought for sure it was a mile. It seems much further to me LOL but oh well.
If you have an iPhone, click on “Settings” then scroll down to “Health” then “Open Health Checklist”, this will show you how many steps you walk, speed etc. I’m sure all Smart Phones have this but I don’t know where. Obviously it only tracks while you’re carrying your phone, right now mine thinks I’m dead 🤣

One day last week, I logged almost 11,000 steps, AT WORK! I usually average about 6,000 per day (Sundays not included 🤣)
If you have an iPhone, click on “Settings” then scroll down to “Health” then “Open Health Checklist”, this will show you how many steps you walk, speed etc. I’m sure all Smart Phones have this but I don’t know where. Obviously it only tracks while you’re carrying your phone, right now mine thinks I’m dead 🤣

One day last week, I logged almost 11,000 steps, AT WORK! I usually average about 6,000 per day (Sundays not included 🤣)
Oh yeah I use my phone to track it usually but I also have a watch although yesterday it decided not to work!!! I was so mad LOL as I’ve found my phone is usually 1-2 thousand lower than watches but still pretty close.
I walk with Freya. I am NOT a runner. Never have been.

One time I had to run a short distance, then perform a skill for a class. I outran the old man with the cane. Everyone else was way ahead of me. 🤦‍♀️
Yeah I am not a runner either lol and oh gosh lol that’s kinda sad for the old man 😭🤣

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