Want to know what illness or anything your chicken has????

Mar 8, 2024
Midwestern US
If your chicken has something going on with it, this is the best website to use to find out what exactly it has.
Hopefully none of you will ever have to use this!

It's simple and easy to use:
1. go to this link
2. select if your affected chicken is a rooster, hen, or chick.

3. select all the symptoms that your bird has

4. on the right will appear all the possible illnesses and diseases or anything that they might have

I really hope this helps all you guys like it has helped me!
Poultry DVM is not an official professional site affiliated with any scientific group or poultry college. Their writers are kind of vague in their qualifications. Some of their info is good, better than a few years ago. I do occasionally recommend some of their articles if they are accurate and simple for lay people. But always do some research on your own. Merck Veterinary Manual, The Poultry Site, and many college vet sites are very good.

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