wanted to buy 6 laying or close to laying hens in virginia

i kinda like the rir and wyandottes , buff orpington and barnevelders:cool: ... i am doing this more as a hobby the eggs are just a bonus .. i raised two pigs a few years ago,, butchered them and gave all the meat away .. i had fun doing that
i well keep looking
i would love to have some day old chicks but have no place to keep them while its cold ...
You are bout an hour give or take from me. I have a few hens that are at point of lay and some coming out of their first molt.

I have a few breeds in my main laying house I would like to give a new home as I need room for my orpingtons.

I could also hatch some chicks for you.
I have

- 3 partridge rocks that are just coming out of a molt - tail feathers are coming back in.

- 3 or 4 black jersey giants.

- 3 cuckoo marans.

3 or 4 hatchery quality rhode island reds.

All of them went through a super heavy molt and are just recovering from it.
lol i had to google molt . how old are the rir and marans and whats your asking price have then been vaccinated ?
They are hatchery birds and were vaccinated as day old chicks for cocci. They are about 18 months old. $15 each for laying hens. All lay brown eggs.
hmmm is that kinda old for a laying hen ? i thought i read somewhere that 3 years is when they they slow down on egg production and you should replace the flock that would give me only 18 more months .. not trying to be rude
i am still learning
ttt some out there has to have some pullets around 3 -4 months old i am getting desperate here.. i ......would like about 6 or 7 rir i really dont not care about shipping cost
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Hens don't lay big full sized eggs until they are entering their second year of laying. They have at least 2 good years of laying (this cycle and next) and even if they slow down they still should lay fairly well.

Makes no difference to me. I have fed them this long I may as well cull them when I need room and make dumplings for dinner.

Good luck at the auction.

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