Wanted - WV - Fodder Beans


Flock Mistress
12 Years
Jan 30, 2007
Would like to know if anyone has or raises an old time bean called Fodder Beans for a next years planting. An oldtime heirloom bean that also goes by the name of Shucky Beans or Leather Britches. Let me know what you have and if you would part with some for drying for planting here next year. They were planted mostly between the corn rows.

My Mom Makes The Leather Britches Or Shuck
Beans Out Of Half Runner Beans Which Are Sometimes Put Between The Corn So They Can Climb Up The Corn.
She Says You Just Let The Beans Grow Until They Are Good And Full. Then You String Them Like You Were Going To Cook Them But Do Not Break Them Up. Then You Put Them On Strings To Hang Up To Dry. She Has Made Them This Way For Over 40 Years. Living In WV You Should Be Able To Find Half Runner Beans Anywhere.

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