WARNING to walk-in coop owners

I bought my shed from Old Hickory Sheds, and they had a lock on the outside door, but no lock on the inside. I was locking my chickens in (so that no two-legged, or four-legged predators could get inside), and bringing the keys inside. I put them down in their usual spot, and the next time I needed to go to the coop, went to look for the keys, and since they're new, bright and shiny, a perfect magnet for a Siamese cat named 'Trouble' to find and run off with. LOST! and no way to get into the coop. We ended up drilling the lock out, and from that point on, no lock on the door. So, there's that concern to keep in mind, too!
If you use a storm door as the human door, or any kind of door with a lock on it, DISABLE THE INSIDE LOCK.

I just discovered that on my last trip to bring in some things to work on (chicks in three weeks), I accidentally nudged the lock into position, so when I closed the door--it's now locked.

We built our coop as a 12 x 10 shed, with the farthest 3 ft on the end as a garden tool closet with its own door. So now I will have to climb the interior wall on that end, and across the rafters, taking out the chicken wire I had installed, and down into the coop side. I'm pushing 60 and not looking forward to this test of my agility, but the hubs is waiting for an orthopedic surgery and is not a candidate. (I may have to tie him to a chair to enforce this, but whatever it takes.)

Once I get in there, I plan to disable the locking mechanism, as I see no reason I will EVER need to lock the coop from the inside, barring alien invaders. And if that's the case, I'd rather be in the house where the guns are.

So learn from my foolishness and beware the accidentally locking door! :p
oh know i am so sorry, i hope you dont have to go thru to much to get it ifxed. i have a normal dog kennel and i cant get the pull up thing up and down to get out and i panic! i need to learn to take my ph in case i cant :)
If you use a storm door as the human door, or any kind of door with a lock on it, DISABLE THE INSIDE LOCK.

I just discovered that on my last trip to bring in some things to work on (chicks in three weeks), I accidentally nudged the lock into position, so when I closed the door--it's now locked.

We built our coop as a 12 x 10 shed, with the farthest 3 ft on the end as a garden tool closet with its own door. So now I will have to climb the interior wall on that end, and across the rafters, taking out the chicken wire I had installed, and down into the coop side. I'm pushing 60 and not looking forward to this test of my agility, but the hubs is waiting for an orthopedic surgery and is not a candidate. (I may have to tie him to a chair to enforce this, but whatever it takes.)

Once I get in there, I plan to disable the locking mechanism, as I see no reason I will EVER need to lock the coop from the inside, barring alien invaders. And if that's the case, I'd rather be in the house where the guns are.

So learn from my foolishness and beware the accidentally locking door! :p
You might want to replace the chicken wire with hardware cloth, while you’re at it. Chicken wire will only keep the birds, not predators, out. It’s too flimsy to stand up to them.
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I would of been mad too.
My EX (emphasis on ex) used to walk through the house locking all the doors, during the day. Once, while bathing to go out, I realized the water softener was off, so threw on a light robe to go outside to reset it. Meanwhile, the ex locked all the doors and climbed into the shower. I was locked out, with almost nothing on, and the bathtub was running. He couldn’t hear me banging on his bathroom window, so I got on the porch and climbed through the kitchen window. He walked in, just in time to find me sitting on the sill with my feet in the sink, screaming “turn off the tub, turn off the tub!” I had to stop going out in the garage to say goodbye in the mornings for the same reason. I showed up at my neighbor’s in my nightgown more than once. This is BCP (Before Cell Phones). Grrrrr. Emphasis on EX!
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I did it! My Spidey Skills are rusty, but still intact. :p It helps that my husband overbuilds the sh*t out of every single thing, so I was actually able to drop down to the roosts, then on from there. Those roosts are going to be able to handle the world's heaviest chickens, lemme tell ya!
Oh, wait, no video of those mad Spidey skills? Shucks. BYC could have a keeper's follies video. That would be quite entertaining, in hindsight for the participants, or too embarrasing.
Made the same mistake with a vertical e bolt latch on the bottom of the door on the outside. Door rattled just enough to drop the bolt in place and lock my adult daughter and granddaughter inside. Luckily she had her cell phone in her pocket and when I went to free them they were standing there waving their chicken “wings” and clucking!
If you use a storm door as the human door, or any kind of door with a lock on it, DISABLE THE INSIDE LOCK.

I just discovered that on my last trip to bring in some things to work on (chicks in three weeks), I accidentally nudged the lock into position, so when I closed the door--I got locked out of the coop!

We built our coop as a 12 x 10 shed, with the farthest 3 ft on the end as a garden tool closet with its own door. So now I will have to climb the interior wall on that end, and across the rafters, taking out the chicken wire I had installed, and down into the coop side. I'm pushing 60 and not looking forward to this test of my agility, but the hubs is waiting for an orthopedic surgery and is not a candidate. (I may have to tie him to a chair to enforce this, but whatever it takes.)

Once I get in there, I plan to disable the locking mechanism, as I see no reason I will EVER need to lock the coop from the inside, barring alien invaders. And if that's the case, I'd rather be in the house where the guns are.

So learn from my foolishness and beware the accidentally locking door! :p
Can u take door off hinges?

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