Was ordering hatchery chicks/ducklings a mistake?


In the Brooder
5 Years
May 26, 2014
Good morning,

Hello there!

I recently got eight day old ducks through a Hatchery in California (I am on the east coast, not that that may matter) and they all arrived fine and healthy. It’s just that they seem so vastly different than the chicks I have bought at the local feed store. I realize that chicks and ducklings are two different creatures but since they arrived the duckling are startled at everything and especially at my presence that they nearly kill each other pushing and climbing on top of each other trying to get away from me. I have tried everyday, from day one, to slowly and gently speak to them, handle them, and take care of them so they stop panicking but everyday they seem worse. This is so vastly different from my past experiences that it has me scratching my head and worried it may be too late for them to simmer down and stop panicking to such an extreme at four weeks old. Maybe there is something else I should be doing? All of my chicks were and are so calm and approachable I’m at a loss and worried.

Thanks so much, in advance.
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You may find it beneficial to approach them from a low level rather than from above too. If you have them in a solid sided brooder and they don't see you until you suddenly appear and reach in from above, that may be adding to their panic and fear. If they have a clear view of you approaching and you reach in from the side that may be less terrifying for them.
I have hatchery ducklings and i spend all day handling and talking to them and but they still run its instinct not personal my goslings is the only one that actually comes over to get picked up and he will come when i call him, the ducklings forget about it.. but the do settle in my hands and enjoy me sitting by the brooder and little pen in the yard when i walk away the panick and cry
Mine came directly from their momma at 1 week old. They ran crazily from me. But, announcing yourself, talking in a calm voice, approaching them slowly (with mealworms in hand), providing food and fresh water plus clean bedding - will help them to recognize you as their food and fresh water source. You will become friend and not foe (predator). Eventually, they will look forward to hearing and seeing you (wagging duck tails!).

What kind of ducks did you get?
Phew! Thank you all for your encouraging words and helpful experiences... I was really worried that I was going to ruin them and never be able to handle them. Their behavior makes me want to be quiet so I don’t scare them but I will continue to speak to them and carefully announce my arrival, etc. They are in the shed (stinking up the place ( : ) in a pen with holes so they can see me coming but it doesn’t matter. It is truly like I am a big monster and they are all screaming run awaaaaay!

They are growing so fast, today while they were trampling each other to get away from me and one of them made the first quack that I’ve heard. I’m thankful they aren’t as tiny and delicate anymore...as they smoosh each other.

This is my first duck experience. I got four Blue Swedish, two Rouen, and two Welsh Harlequin. I think I MAY have overdone it a bit. Haha.

Are those typically skittish? What kind do you have?
I've hear welsh harlequins are pretty friendly. The other ones should be fine too. A lot of people have rouens. Blue swedish are pretty.

I have muscovies. They are not cuddle ducks, but they look forward to me coming to their run. Just tonight, they wagged tails as I was closing them into their house.
I always said, "Hello" in a sing songy voice when I walked into the building they were kept in. I couldn't do so quietly because the door makes a noise from opening - it's got a good seal. They quit jumping at the door sound after a few weeks. So as long as I didn't do anything out of the ordinary, they were fine.
Get some mealworms and lettuce. Then place it in your hand and just sit there - steady as you can. Eventually one will come over to investigate and then others will follow.
I've hear welsh harlequins are pretty friendly. The other ones should be fine too. A lot of people have rouens. Blue swedish are pretty.

I have muscovies. They are not cuddle ducks, but they look forward to me coming to their run. Just tonight, they wagged tails as I was closing them into their house.
I always said, "Hello" in a sing songy voice when I walked into the building they were kept in. I couldn't do so quietly because the door makes a noise from opening - it's got a good seal. They quit jumping at the door sound after a few weeks. So as long as I didn't do anything out of the ordinary, they were fine.
Get some mealworms and lettuce. Then place it in your hand and just sit there - steady as you can. Eventually one will come over to investigate and then others will follow.
Some breeds of ducks are much more nervous overall than others. However, like it was said earlier, making yourself familiar with a soft and calm voice and announcing your presence before appearing, spend as much time in their presence as you can and a little bribery with lettuce and mealworms will work wonders. Best wishes and good luck!

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