Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Fresh off of the camera!

Fresh off of the camera!
Pullets. Single combed breeds the cockerels start getting actual red combs and they start getting larger early. Having the combs pink up on pullets happens. All the hatchery rocks I had did as did half the new hampshires. The rocks are also all pretty dark since pullets can carry only one copy of the barred gene. Purebred cockerels carry two so have smaller stripes and look lighter because of it. These critters come from the feed store? Those are 90% accurate for sex any which way
Pullets. Single combed breeds the cockerels start getting actual red combs and they start getting larger early. Having the combs pink up on pullets happens. All the hatchery rocks I had did as did half the new hampshires. The rocks are also all pretty dark since pullets can carry only one copy of the barred gene. Purebred cockerels carry two so have smaller stripes and look lighter because of it.

These critters come from the feed store? Those are 90% accurate for sex any which way
I purchased them from Wilco feed store in Puyallup. I have unplugged the heat lamp. At 250 watts, its good to save some $$ on electricity. I have a circulation fan pulling fresh air into the small room they are in. The room used to be used for growing medicine when I was a provider.
Baking white bread you get to knead called for scaled milk with water

google 180 degrees okay can do then a cake of yeast?
2 1/4 tsp
boy what a education but came our of my Ma's old wisconsin cook book
must be good right let rise twice mind you
having allot fun doing this stuff now
Anyone interested in a special roo?
His name is Charlie! We hatched him and he has been handled daily by my 3 year old. He has wry tail and is not sutable for breeding to other brabanters.

Super sweet and pretty!
Free to a good home!

..I have pics but they are to big to upload ill try and get some up.
I've been having some issues so I won't be making it to the Monroe show tomorrow. I don't trust myself to drive that far.

:(  I missed you again !
Do we need to do another summer BBQ get together ? Maybe this time at your place ?
We can certainly do it here !!!

I'm blaming hubby's work. If he was here I could have taken some dramamine and slept during the drive. Going the 12 miles just to Costco I've been getting motion sick lately. It comes and goes on severity but is something I've always dealt with. Just been getting worse as I get older
My cholestrol is so high that I have to get a pelvic ultrasound this week to check my liver. Quail eggs are supposed to only have the good cholestrol and not the bad so that is what convinced me more than anything. I took a break from hatching eggs with my injury and surgeries last season so I must have been eating too many eggs!

Now that we are keeping the LGD out of the chicken coop we are getting eggs again but fertility is low on the test hatch in the incubator so I need to figure out what is causing that. The duck eggs, Silkie eggs, and Easter Egger eggs are fertile (even though we moved the Easter Eggers into a tractor coop) but the dog is still getting duck eggs. I have two Orpington roosters with one more dominant than the other so I am going to sell the less dominant rooster to someone who has wanted him for awhile and see if that will keep the dominant rooster more focused on his ladies instead of chasing off his brother. He is going to go around the first of the month after I have some chicks hatched.
Your own body makes bad cholesterol..regardless of any eggs you eat...but what a horrid health issue to have when you have so many birds !
Like breeding & raising goats & then you find out you are allergic to goat meat ?????????

I have super low BP, and super low cholesterol................and I eat 3 scrambled eggs a day as my b'fast, with a super thin slice of 87% lean ham, or turkey ham..........and my gut has such an issue with absorbtion....45 years of undiagnosed celiac disease, and a digestive system that (at this point) is not much more than scar tissue, from lips to the very end )

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