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The best thing that I have done, is Atkins' induction diet...NO CARBS !
What has happened to me is insulin resistant fat ?
The stuff just sticks on your body and no amount of exercise will peel it off.
What I have to do periodically is turn my system from burning carbs (so super easy for your body to do !) but then the body stores every speck of fat......................
So turn the table & go cave man style & no carbs, no rice, no bread, no pasta for as long as it takes.
Follow the Atkins' diet.
The induction is as long as it takes each individual, but about 2-3 weeks.
In this period your body is starved of easy to use carbs & sugars, and has to burn fat instead.
Then carbs are added in a bit at a time.

I love the Atkins diet...it is how I discovered I had celiac disease:  when I stopped all gluten & suddenly felt like I was a kid again !


Then when I ate gluten again I was so darn sick.........bedridden sick, barely able to raise my head or breathe.

I did a high protein / low carb diet when it was popular years ago and I felt healthier without the carbs. I read a book about carb addicts and realized I was one. I should give it a go again.
I eat lots of veggies, some meat for flavor, and attempt to eat 30% of my calories as fat. Butter, olive oil, and bacon fat are added or cooked in. The doctor loves my lipid profile. My HDL is 79. What I severely limit is grains and added sugars. That has kept my borderline diabetes in check with just diet. Last A1C was 4.9.

My sugar consumption comes from my kombucha mostly.

I do consume a decent amount of whole milk since I have no issues with it and it's always been one of the few things I can consume before noon and not get sick.

I eat potatoes regularly. They don't spike my blood sugar like grains do. I use plenty of butter on them

I should try to cut out the grains and sugars completely. I do tend to rely on carbs to fill me up and yet it may be contributing to my health concerns.
The carbs leave me over full and tired (they spike my blood sugar way up).

It does take some time to get used to eating mostly veggies to where your body doesn't try and tell you you're hungry again because it's in carb withdrawal.

Carb withdrawal sucks. I had dreams about toast for weeks when I first started this.
The carbs leave me over full and tired (they spike my blood sugar way up).

It does take some time to get used to eating mostly veggies to where your body doesn't try and tell you you're hungry again because it's in carb withdrawal.

Carb withdrawal sucks. I had dreams about toast for weeks when I first started this.

I used to eat toast every morning but I stopped for awhile and then went back to it. I never seem to get enough fruit and vegetables so I should focus on just eating vegetables primarily. Sometimes I eat alot of potatoes and then I take a break for awhile. I like variety so I avoid eating the same thing all the time.
Last summer I almost turned into a fruitarian for weeks. All the berries, apples, and plums that were ripe here were too much to leave since we try to eat fresh fruit only in season.
I have decided to go on a no carb or very low carb diet. I need to lose weight, I've been saying it for years but it really needs to happen. I have heard people say that they feel great on that diet.
I have started using coconut oil for some things. I like it.
Never say never :) I broke down and bought an automatic door opener for my coupe. Going to try to hook it up this coming weekend so I can be around and make sure it works well. I have to go to work sometimes in the mornings before it's late. And sometimes getting home right at dark doesn't work out either. This one is battery-powered so hopefully it will work well.
one thing started with the can't believe it's butter
use only canola or olive oil.. real butter is too rich for the bf
and me oddly enough all the years hypoglycemic now borderline
diabetic have my eggs and hashbrowns I am good cereal my blood
sugar dumps about 3 in the afternoon.. Potatoes are a mainstay as my
ibd is not as violent with potato allot

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