Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

Tics me that Del's have been out of the high pro DUMORE pellets since about April 1st~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and we need that for geese ans ducks growing on....
I have gone to Tractor supplies ALL OVER western WA, to Puyallup, Oly, and so on, and no one has any high pro pellets for game/geese.
Best I can find is (on occasion) a bag of "flock raiser" once in a while :sick

Dumor is made by Purina bagged for tractor supply need some ours in Morton has it think the tsc in centralia actually has it so does the little independent feed store in Chehalis
They do have pretty eggs and are good layers. Mine are a lot of fun but they would fly out if I didn't have a top on things. Do yours make that loud whinny waaauk waaauk noise, I have it down and call them that way good thing I don't have close neibors they would think I was nuts. I let them outside a lot to graze

"whinny waaauk waaauk" I am so carving that onto a sign for the outside of my coup.
ain't much worse than me out doing the cock a doodle do at Blue to show him I was bigger bird... neighbors about called the funny wagon.. it even got told to a egg customer I have crazy lady out in the yard
Here ya go....yellow, an this being a hen............but imagine it on a cockerel...


She's a pretty one. Great flowering. These girls are yours, right? The one in the back looks like maybe a snow leopard variety?

That color is probably going to be an easy one to find. I'd ask either Nicole Davis or Carolyn Schuster on the PNW Swedish fb group. Nicole has sold a lot of chicks and eggs to folks in W. Wash. too so there may be others. Would you like me to add you to that group?
Tics me that Del's have been out of the high pro DUMORE pellets since about April 1st~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and we need that for geese ans ducks growing on....
I have gone to Tractor supplies ALL OVER western WA, to Puyallup, Oly, and so on, and no one has any high pro pellets for game/geese.
Best I can find is (on occasion) a bag of "flock raiser" once in a while :sick
Brim's Farm and Garden in Astoria. If they don't have it in stock, they will special order it for you.
3 months and 26 days and got the first egg squat from the next batch of chicks this one is a golden sexlink what friendly birds. There are 4 of those and 8 cuckoo Marans the Marans are very pretty for there coloring the sexlinks are a nice looking bird also. I'm very pleased with the looks of this group got them from Dunlap hatchery in Idaho that will be the last batch I think from hatcheries as some of the other birds I have just don't have it as far as I'm concerned I will get birds in the future from small breeders like on BYC.
3 months and 26 days and got the first egg squat from the next batch of chicks this one is a golden sexlink what friendly birds. There are 4 of those and 8 cuckoo Marans the Marans are very pretty for there coloring the sexlinks are a nice looking bird also. I'm very pleased with the looks of this group got them from Dunlap hatchery in Idaho that will be the last batch I think from hatcheries as some of the other birds I have just don't have it as far as I'm concerned I will get birds in the future from small breeders like on BYC.

I still bought hatchery last spring but none this year did get EE from junebuggena 5 of them to round out the coop almost totally
Hello everyone! I'm new to BYC. I live in Walla Walla, WA and I have Indian Runner ducks.

1 - female chocolate (adult unsure of age due to her being rescue)
1 - white female with a blue bill (1 yrs old)
2 - female fawns (9 weeks old)
1 - black drake (9 weeks old)
1 - black sex unsure due to feathers haven' really filled out yet (9 weeks old)
1 - blue unsexed duckling (4 weeks olds)
Tics me that Del's have been out of the high pro DUMORE pellets since about April 1st~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ and we need that for geese ans ducks growing on....
I have gone to Tractor supplies ALL OVER western WA, to Puyallup, Oly, and so on, and no one has any high pro pellets for game/geese.
Best I can find is (on occasion) a bag of "flock raiser" once in a while :sick
Del's is closing up here. I don't use them much. There is a North 40 and another feed store here. I am however looking for bulk layer feed. Anyone know where to buy or get it from?

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