Washingtonians Come Together! Washington Peeps

I am new to chickens this year and currently have a flock of 20 hens. Again, loving every minute of it!

Also spent a lot of time growing up during hunting season on the east side of the state in Mesa, Basin City and Othello. Even went to WSU.

Anyway, just thought I would say hello and will keep track of this thread. I think I've become chicken obsessed!
Welcome! And go Cougs!!!
Hi all! Thought I should finally post on the WA thread. I live in Bow (just north of Mt. Vernon...amazing how many people have no idea where Bow is that live on the West side of the state). I also spend a lot of time at Lake Cavanaugh.

I'm a city girl transplant. Born and raised in Seattle and then moved to Shoreline for many years. Always been my dream to get out of the city once the kids grew up and moved out. That finally happened last year so here we are in Bow and loving every minute of it!

I am new to chickens this year and currently have a flock of 20 hens. Again, loving every minute of it!

Also spent a lot of time growing up during hunting season on the east side of the state in Mesa, Basin City and Othello. Even went to WSU.

My Dad was an avid trap shooter and pheasant hunter and I was basically raised on trap ranges and have walked many beet fields (in the old days), corn, alfalfa fields and orchards in my day. I hunted with him until I hit my late teens and then developed an aversion to killing things. Not that I'm anti-hunting or anti-gun! It's just not for me (the hunting part) so I continued to go with him, just not carry a shotgun. I continued to go with him until my Dad passed, because it was so beautiful and peaceful there and developed friendships with the farmers that let us hunt their land.

It was during those hunting trips that I knew I would someday live rural, raise chickens, goats and have a huge garden! Well, I live rural now, have the chickens and the huge garden, but no goats.....yet! :) Those trips also developed my love of nature, art and photography.

Anyway, just thought I would say hello and will keep track of this thread. I think I've become chicken obsessed!

Welcome! Glad you're here!
Ponytails are very popular with the silkies. They even try to hold still so I can put them in

is everyone still seeing the smoke drifting.. the fan in my coop died so it was shift and shuffle to get another to the main coop so we keep air moving in there

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