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Welcome and nice carrot!!! I'm using sand. In the brooder, you can sift it with a Kitty litter type scoop.(I'm going to construct a large one that has screen attached for the coop) Using poop catchers under the roost takes care of the biggest portion of poo in the coop.
Also, I've been told that bugs don't like how abrasive sand is so hopefully that will deter some. It helps to keep the birds clean too.
Hope this helps!
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ask at your feedstore about DE. Word of caution, DE is a very fine dust and easily inhaled. DE doesn't only harm insects, it can get lodged in the alveoli of the lungs and cause permanent damage, so when spreading it or using it please wear a mask and protect your health as the damage is not reversible and is cumulative.
We finally got our chicks yesterday! I am official now YEAH! 4 Maran and 4 Ameraucana or EE. I converted a stock tank into a brooder and they seem to be doing well.

Is it ok for their legs and beaks to look so yellow when they are little? Aren't they supposed to be more pink? Do they change color as they age? Anybody knowledgeable about Cuckoos?

I don't know anything about leg and beak color but they are just the cutest things. How are they when you handle them? I'm trying to hold off firing up the incubator until after the Stevenson show because who knows if I might find a treasure trove of eggs there I'll want to bring home, but darn Broodytood - it's like looking into the bakery window of cuteness!
Well, I am going to book a room at the Rodeway Inn, per Cloverleaf, for Saturday night...Can coop in before 9 AM Saturday.
So it should not take that long to drive from here to there...not like from here to Monroe...I am studying up & wanna take JC & his galpal...the black Javas...they are so awesome.
That's great news T Hi! So does that get you any closer to a diagnosis so they know how to treat your illness? A new doctor was looking into something you might have brought home from Mexico, correct?
Is it ok for their legs and beaks to look so yellow when they are little? Aren't they supposed to be more pink? Do they change color as they age? Anybody knowledgeable about Cuckoos?

I don't know anything about leg and beak color but they are just the cutest things. How are they when you handle them? I'm trying to hold off firing up the incubator until after the Stevenson show because who knows if I might find a treasure trove of eggs there I'll want to bring home, but darn Broodytood - it's like looking into the bakery window of cuteness!

They are the most curious chicks I've ever had! Quick on their feet, too. In the brooder they are lively but when I took them out to photo them, they just stood there as if to pose. They let me take several shots of each and never tried to take off on me. So very cute. The cocks seem more mellow than the pullets.
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